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Member Since:Apr 30, 2018
250 MS Points
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"Dora the explorer" really tends to explore
Reviewed Dora the Explorer
My kids are the daily viewers of thedora the explorer serial in different languages.they have noted the timings of every channel which aired.kids Read more...
Jio messaging system not validating as per update
Reviewed Jio4GVoice
I have been using jio 4g sim since provided.i have used the jio 4g free period also.during the time I felt some difficulties while calling.that is like the caRead more...
Whatsapp holds the intimacy forever
Reviewed WhatsApp
I have been using whatsapp application since its being popular.its very useful for transfering some files or documents when I was in abroad for a time being.mRead more...
V-guard finesta wall fan meets good performance
Reviewed V-Guard Industries Ltd (V-Star)
We have bought v-guard model:finesta STD electric wall mounted fan before 1 year and it is working in a good condition.why I am writing this review is, beforeRead more...
Frequent system complaints & slow troubleshooting
Reviewed Central Bank of India
I am an account holder of central bank for the last 2 years l.i have been staying in bangalore and I used to visit central bank for some urgent purposes when Read more...
Videocon automatic washing machine not lasting
Reviewed Videocon Digi Gracia Prime WM VT60H12-DM 6 kg Fully Automatic Top Loading Washing Machine
We have bought videocon digi marine 6.5kg washing machine.it is fully automatic machine and it includes uv light sterilization also.but its gone forever badlyRead more...
Colgate toothpaste for kids is advisable to use
Reviewed Colgate Anticavity Toothpaste
Our dentist has suggested to use this colgate anticavity toothpaste for my son.he has some problem of tooth decaying.i have bought that colgate tooth paste foRead more...
Dreamland publications books for kids are worth
Reviewed Dreamland Publications
I have purchased dreamland "learn with phonics" book for my son who is studying in ukg.it describes the short vowel sounds which is in a good manner and easy Read more...
Samsung galaxy j7 prime model: SM-G610F got stuck
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime
I have been using samsung galaxy j7 prime model no:SM-G610F for the last 1 year.i can say the phone is good and got battery backup well.more over I could say Read more...
2captcha.com is genuine site,but time consuming
Reviewed 2Captcha
I have been using this 2captcha.com online money making method after hearing from some of the bloggers/vloggers.then I could see the training that helps to teRead more...
Idea 4g smart wifi hub is good to buy
Reviewed Idea 4G Smart Wi-Fi HUB MF90+
I have bought idea 4g smart wifi hub for 3 months back and it is very helpful for me.it is portable and it is handy.very user friendly device. easy to charge.Read more...
Huawei p10 lite drawback
Reviewed Huawei P20 Lite
I have bought huawei p10 lite was the one I bought from germany few months back and brought to india.the phone was 32 gb internal storage with 4 gb ram.its quRead more...
Kajaria tiles are good in quality
Reviewed Kajaria Tiles - Mumbai
I am a very satisfied customer of the Kajaria bathroom wall tiles.why I am posting this is, I have bought both kajaria and one of the other popular brand sameRead more...
Bad experience MAXO A-GRADE instant action machin
Reviewed Maxo Max Power A Mosquito Repellent
I have bought this product from a stationary store and I plugged it and switched on this to rescue from mosqitoes in home.I tried it for 4 days and there is nRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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