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Member Since:May 11, 2009
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Experience with Linea 1.3
Reviewed Fiat Linea
First of all, I wish to inform that I had written the first review on 20 Apr 2008 about Fiat Linea on Mouthshut.com and I had predicted this car to get the ‘CRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
gigikochi, For your information I still have the car and it is still going very good and by each day it is getting even better. But sorry to say that you have proved yourself a fool by putting such a foolish comment... Even if you are one, don't go to the extend of proving it to others, what yo Read More...
Commented on aamullaji2000's review
Hey Hari, That is my car's link from Team-bhp that you have posted above. No problem just wanted to let you know that's all.
Commented on Vijay_Verma's review
I am backing Hari on this. All the Linea owners had their options to buy any other car, but I m sure that each one of them would have bought this car after doing plenty of research and comparing with all other cars available in the market. Excuse me for pointing it out yz12 - but your remark 'U m Read More...
Commented on redangel's review
Hi redangel. Great review pal. Really loved reading every word of your review. Even I m a Linea Emotion + Diesel owner. Only a Linea owner can understand another Linea owner and no one else can. Like you said, all other cars are just an extension of boot of their smaller version, Swift/ Dzire, Vis Read More...
Rated on aaronhs's review
Commented on drsavohra's review
I would advise you to take it to your dealers and see what they have to say about it and also write an official letter and send by registered post with AD to your dealer. Also go personally and meet the top person of the dealer. If still he doesnt respond tell him you are going to write directly to Read More...
Commented on yogesh_patil1's review
I own a Diesel Linea myself since almost 1 year in April. I disagree that the spares are costlier for Linea. There was a spares comparison list and the Linea spares total came to Rs.78460/- as against Rs.159233 of Ford Fiesta & Rs.85608 of Hyundai verna. This was published by Fiat as mentioned above Read More...
Commented on adidahiya's review
Have u taken any photos of the damages, if so please post it on 'Autocar' India forum 'Welcome Linea' or in Team BHP forum as there are many other Linea owners in these forums who would like to know more about it. Regarding Fuel efficiency please give your justification as to the erroneous 'Avg F Read More...
Commented on mkheart's review
I cant believe it at all as I m also a Linea owner. The response of my dealer reps are good and touch wood so far I havent come across any issues. You can send emails to the below email ID and see if there is any response. I bet you should get some quick response. Please keep us informed about your Read More...
Commented on snarayanan's review
Good review,snarayanan. I also own Linea V white diesel emotion pk. I m getting a mileage of 23.4 kmpl on highways and 15-18 kmpl in city conditions. Mine has run 900+ kms so far.
Rated on snarayanan's review
Rated on saideepreddy's review
Commented on saideepreddy's review
Not very convincible review. Anyway you're the first unlucky customer that I have come across after viewing through plenty ownership reviews in Autocarforum, Team BHP & on MS. Just wanted to tell you that these niggling problems you also find in other cars, not just in Linea...
Commented on Dr.ManuelJohn's review
Surprised! Nothing new, I have heard of this from some other Maruti owners also still waiting for Dzire. Dzire would remain and 'Desire' and the waiting period 6-8 months. So I advised my couple for fronts to cancel the booking and go for Fiat Linea and they took my advise and in 2 weeks time they a Read More...
Hi Shirya66, I exactly dont know about 'Pearl white' but it is similar to the Toyota corolla white with a metallic finish.
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