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Member Since:Mar 26, 2010
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Definately go for it...
Reviewed Ford Figo
Hi All, I am new to MS. Just booked my Figo Titanium (D) at OS Ford, Jodhpur.Ild like to share my exp in choosing this car over others.I am a big fan ofRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on nikhi's review
it's definately safe bet. drove 7K KM so far, it's fun to drive car.
Commented on shiwach's review
sea grey with coral looks awesome. my car is of the same colour.
Commented on avisb's review
you made a good decision. i am a proud owner of Figo TDCI Titanium. driven so far 5500KM. It's fun to drive this car. can drive easily 300 KM, without taking a break.means, there is no fatigue factor.
i got my figo in may. so far driven 5500KM. it's absolutely treat to drive this car. on highways, i get, around 20KMPL, and avg 16-17 during city driving. it's absolutely VFM car. ford's cars are always fun to drive. i liked it's dashboard(coral), music system, and AC a lot. most of the time, w Read More...
Commented on leoramc's review
yes, i agree. it's very good car . i have driven 3500 km in 20 days
Commented on Lokesh.Pai's review
go for figo , no doubt. i already hav figo titanium..
Commented on own review
just had a long highway drive in my figo from Bikaner-Delhi-Jaipur-Jodhpur, approx, 1200KM. my observations are: 1. fatigue less journey, bcoz of seating position, and ride quality. 2. still car's first service is due, but i got FE of 19-20 with AC. 3. i had issue with it's ground clearance 4. Read More...
guys, i had my Figo titanium, grey colour with coral dash. It's looking awesome.. So far drive 600 KMS. to be very honest, it's really fun to drive. very much practical. 5 persons can accomodate easily. so far fuel eff is 17-18 with AC on in city. but it'll improve with first service.
Commented on greengeek's review
let me tell you an interesting thing. I booked my Diesel titanium on Mar 13, but so far no delivery. Bcoz dealer says, initially Co. thought 20% sell will be for titanium version, Now the reality is there is 80% demand for this version. So, there is gap in demand-supply. I prefered grey with coral Read More...
Dear askiyengar, 1. If any company launches a new engine, we don't trust it, bcoz it's new. if any car is launched on old trusted and successfull platform, you say, it's old. don't know, what the thinking is... 2. for rear window, this is not an omission. The car has been designed in such a way, t Read More...
is swift a good looking car? Punto is, no doubt. my view is, figo will create trouble for Maruti and Hyundai atleast...
Rated on pankaj_saini2001's review
Commented on pankaj_saini2001's review
the review is written only to spoil the ratings of a good car. it's unfair.
Commented on CaptainSlow's review
for any delay in delivery, email here: janitha2@ford.com i did the same, and got reply in 20 mins. they assured me delivery in next week. i booked grey with coral interior for TDCI titanium. thanks, Rahul
earlier ford was exp to maintain. now , bcoz of localization, it's cheap. Also, after first service, every other service will be after a year or 10,000 KM. So, i don't think, maintenance would be an issue or exp one. For milage, it's using same fiesta engine, Fiesta gives 22KMPL on highways. and 17 Read More...
Commented on chauhan.rosa's review
1. plastic quality is far better then punto and swift. 2. Road view is amazing, that's why ladies can drive so easily.
you mentioned good thing for rear window. company says, since for a small family, usually kids are accomodated on rear seats. Also if you notice rear window is bigger then other cars.
Rated on raikhelkar's review
Commented on raikhelkar's review
Sorry,Anand i dont agree with your comment. no one has yet complained for noise or sluggishness. Interiors are way way better then Swift, punto. i don't say it's an ideal car, but yes practical, keeping a small family in mind. for eg, ppl say, there is no fog lamps, but there is an option, you can a Read More...
Hi Nivanp, Our biggest problem is, we don't want a car. We want a structure on 4 wheels. We are over concerned for FE, resale, maintenance cost etc.. If any car is good, we must say, yes it is. instead of finding the loopholes. I am still a big fan of fiat then ford, But i found figo more practical Read More...
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