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Member Since:Dec 16, 2016
80 MS Points
Working as Assistant Divisional Engineer in APGENCO, Studied UG in CBIT and PG in OU. Reading books, watching news channels, movies
About Me
Education: Master of Engineering
Movie Stars: Nani, Allu Arjun, Mahesh babu, pavan kalyanMovies: Dhruva, sarainodu, Gabbar singh T.V. Shows: All news channnel, Music: Ilayaraja music
Movie Stars: Nani, Allu Arjun, Mahesh babu, pavan kalyan
Movies: Dhruva, sarainodu, Gabbar singh
T.V. Shows: All news channnel,
Music: Ilayaraja music
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Samsung Galaxy J7-6 is Superb
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J7 - 6 (2016 Edition)
Samsung Galaxy J7-6 new edition is superb and I am using it now. Very precise and clearly hear the sound while using. It is easy to use the phone but it is soRead more...
Nikon DSLR D3300 astounds
Reviewed Nikon DSLR D3300
Nikon DSLR D3300 camera is an advaced 24.2 MP camera, excellent for capturing images and to record a movie. I bought this and used its picture quality iRead more...
Acer E1 571 is nice one to buy
Reviewed Acer E1 571 Laptop
Acer E1 571 is a amazing laptop, using for the last 6 months. it is easy to use anywhere, battery backup is good quality. inside configuration is excellent i.Read more...
Brilliant un-natural comedy thriller movie EPC
Reviewed Ekkadiki Pothavu Chinnavada
Nikil has chosen this time very good subject that too very apt to him. Nikil acted very well as innocent boy, he caught between two girl and focusing till theRead more...
Dhruva a cop story narrated in a good way
Reviewed Dhruva
The Hero Ramcharan as Dhruva, from childhood itself has investigative thinking, so he became IPS officer. The villain Arvind swamy as Siddharth Abhimanyu was Read more...
JNTU is reputed and infrastructure institution
Reviewed J.N.T.U. College of Engineering - Hyderabad
JNTU-Hyderabad is a reputed institution in Telangana state. It is located in Kukatpally, Hyderabad. It has good teaching faculty who was completed Phds and thRead more...
Hyundai I10 is fuel efficient maintenance free ca
Reviewed Hyundai i10
Magnificent look, excellent car and maintenance fee. I bought this in 2013 but till now I enjoyed a lot in driving the car. It is giving unbelievable milage 1Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Every Institution which is getting funds from Govt should show the details of the things going on there and should run as per the Govt rules like Other schools running in the country. Read more...
Followed mdabbas786133 , anupam335 , soujispdsss , pg8765158 , amitsaini8081
Demonetisation is not a bad attempt towards eradicating Black money and Fake money. Even fake money can control extremists some extent. there were no such kind of decisions had been taken previous Governments, somehow it was started, let it be and support it whatever the repercussions are. We couldn Read more...
Commented on zimeerajpoot57's review
Good review , I also love this movie
Rated on zimeerajpoot57's review
Commented on Falakabid's review
Thanks bother , you had a confusion for choosing of amobile
Rated on Falakabid's review
Commented on creativevikrams's review
Informative review, one can choose this one
Rated on creativevikrams's review
Commented on singhgajendra462's review
Brother you have given useful and helpful information
It is very useful and helpful information.
Followed singhgajendra462 , vikasj766 , ravindrakumarsind , creativevikrams , sk8468040645
Followed alekya789 , Sanskaragrawal , Toxic427 , ramk22 , ripunjindal
Commented on mestryprasad26's review
it is very good washing machine useful and robust
Rated on mestryprasad26's review
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