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Member Since:Sep 03, 2006
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Better than an IPOD Video: MY ROKR is MY BABY
Reviewed Motorola E1 Rokr
If I could rate higher for value of money, I would rate it at 100 over 5. I got this phone for christmas, and at first was skeptical. I love sleek, small, stRead more...
Not pornographic...what are they talking about?
Reviewed Antarmahal
After watching Antarmahal, I promptly googled the reviews and was disgusted by the opinions that were scattered about only because they overshadowed the film&Read more...
Being Cyrus: A Breath of Fresh Air
Reviewed Being Cyrus
This movie was unexpectedly great. Everyone I know had watched it and given mixed reviews. So when I went to watch it, I expected nothing at all. And I was plRead more...
Nishijapon: Almost a Diamond, but definately a Ge
Reviewed Nishijapon
I just watched Nishijapon after being urged by my father, with whom I share a bond over Satyajit Rays Movies. Satyajit Ray was the greatest director, abRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on own review
Yes I paid only 25$ because of the promotion through the cell phone carrier...and u know, these days there are more high tech smaller phones out there for 250, but this one, according to me...STILLL is competitive to those...I got an Ipod for christmas, and Ipod video, and let me tell you, I stillll Read More...
Hello! Yes you can use a new memory card and carry more tunes and videos but the only thing is you won't be able to put more than 100 songs in itunes..but it has another mp3 player on it which works fine. This phone is great!
Followed patenik2
Commented on patenik2's review
Hey Nik, Read your review since you read most of mine! Thanks for your comments and your ratings and your warm welcome to MS....I stumbled on this site and now i'm hooked. I actually was born and brought up in Edmonton and used to go to the Rockies every year for spring break: we used to drive o Read More...
Rated on patenik2's review
Thanks for giving me a VU. I hope my reviews help people appreciate some good cinema that is being put out there.
Commented on raja2005's review
Actually, I liked that scene. I do understand it might be blasphemous to some who see abhishek picturing Raima's body as he sculpts Durga, but the way I saw it was that sculptures draw on life to imitate in art, and Raima's body was the only body he knew. And the goddess was something he respected Read More...
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