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Member Since:Sep 08, 2006
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Education: B Sc Computer Science
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Simply Wacky & Hilarious
Reviewed The Simpsons - TV Serial Star World TV Channel
The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groeningfor the Fox Network. The television series is a spin-off of a series ofanimated shorts oriRead more...
Undoubtedly the most reliable car in the India Ma
Reviewed Toyota Innova
Innova is definitely one of the most powerful, well built, easy to drive and comfortable car in its segment and seats upto seven passengers (or eight, dependiRead more...
Reviewed Saw
Deliriously inventive and sadistically cruel, Saw breathes new life into the serial killer genre with an ingenious set-up. Two men (CaryElwes and Leigh WhanneRead more...
One of the best told movies ever...
Reviewed American History X
AMERICAN HISTORY X American History X touches on such controversial topics as racism, affirmative action, illegal immigration, the continued existence of NEORead more...
Is the Xbox 360 worth buying?
Reviewed Microsoft Xbox 360
Is the Xbox 360 worth buying? If you have prerequisites like an HDTV and a Media Center PC the Xbox 360’s supportfor these items will make it well worth your Read more...
India's foremost budget-car : Baleno
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Baleno
Even though theBaleno has done very poorly in the market (a victim of Marutis grassrootsimage and its own poor looks), however, under that dull skin is Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on heromj's review
Commented on heromj's review
A Pulsar 180 DTS-I definately scores more than a Karizma anyday. The fololowing reasons warrant the same: The Pulsar has better: 1. Aceleration (1 second diffenece from 0-60 kms) 2. Milege (12kpl diff) 3. Braking (2 mtrs diff from 60 to 0 kms) 4. Price i.e. Rs. 20,000 cheaper than a Read More...
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