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Member Since:Jun 29, 2008
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1920: Must watch
Reviewed 1920
A good movie I must say. The starting is a little boring however as the story advances and they shift into that creepy mansion, things began to change for theRead more...
Hello, bye bye
Reviewed Hello
This movie is about a call center in which only 5 people work...(this is the impression that one would get when he watches the movie). A call center which is Read more...
Pulsar 220: First impressions
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 220
I finally got the pulsar 220 few days ago. Till now Im very impressed with the bike. I mean what was bajaj doing all these years. It could have easily "Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on saumyadip_sarkar's review
Commented on saumyadip_sarkar's review
well as far as the gear shift problem is concerned...check out after the first service...it'll definitely improve...oil becomes thinner and loses the viscosity...so that makes the harder... after the competition of 5000 kms...switch to Motul 300v..it'll cost u around 650/ltr...its a fully synthet Read More...
Commented on patelprabhat's review
no need to sell this bike...since its pretty much new...go to the PBK showroom and tell them to give u a final solution...and if they do not do so...go to the consumer forum...u'll get enough compensation to purchase a hayabusa...a second hand atleast...well i think that they have given u a defectiv Read More...
Rated on nikhita12's review
Commented on own review
thanks man....i wasted my time....i dont want others to do the same
Commented on Jiljith's review
exactly....i own one...i do not have any problem...except that the position is bit tiring.... breaking is good...lights are awesome...20bhp...what else do u wnt...
@ ahmedtharik hi....the concept of oil cooled is that...when u r biking in the power mode then due to the heat created by the engine the engine oil becomes thin as the bonds between the oil molecules break....so in order to keep the oil thick it has been passed thru the oil cooler....and if the o Read More...
@wildshaz hi...i think that u r mistaken...i do not have a hunk...i have a pulsar 220...the bike is really cool...i mean i did 500 kms in petrol worth Rs600...its completely fine with me.... if ur pocket allows u to spend 87,245(on read, delhi) then u should definately go for this machine...
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