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Member Since:Aug 11, 2009
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Sales and Service Experience-BIMAL
Reviewed Bimal Auto Agency - Yelahanka - Bangalore
Sales process in BIMAL Day 1:I requested a quote for Black Swift Vxi, since it showroom closing time there was only one sales person who was hurrying to homeRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on imam.manzar's article
Same Case, Same Hospital, Same DOCTOR..(contd...) ance. The Consultant Pediatrician explained the consequences, since the oxygen didn't reach the baby's brain like failing organs, seizures and many more due to which anything may happen and we should be prepared for it. Our baby was in the NICU fo Read More...
Gynaec’s error in judgment kills newborn
Same Case, Same Hospital, Same DOCTOR My deepest condolences to the family who have laid thier baby in God's hand, I am really shocked to hear this news as it is JUST SIMILAR TO OURS, what has been published happened to us on March 28th '10 (just 3 months prior). My wife was admitted at Columbia A Read More...
Same Case, Same Hospital, Same DOCTOR..(contd..) ance. The Consultant Pediatrician explained the consequences, since the oxygen didn't reach the baby's brain like failing organs, seizures and many more due to which anything may happen and we should be prepared for it. Our baby was in the NICU for Read More...
Gynaec (Dr. Chitralekha N.D) gets sacked a month after baby's death
Same Case, Same Hospital, Same DOCTOR. My deepest condolences to the family who have laid thier baby in God's hand, I am really shocked to hear this news as it is JUST SIMILAR TO OURS, what has been published happened to us on March 28th '10 (just 3 months prior). My wife was admitted at Columbia Read More...
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