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Member Since:Oct 28, 2011
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Reviewed Tata Nano
Dear Friends, I own this car. In the light of my experiences, I could boldly advice you "Without any hesitation, you may go ahead buying this little beauty".Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on vivekaksh's review
Commented on shantanunano's review
shantanunano, I am much happy that my Lunar Silver Nano LX is giving me around 27.5 KMPL which is almost similar to the mileage of an average modern bike. Beyond that, the AC cooling is also Superb. It merely chills people inside.
Commented on smithajraj's review
Hi nuranikaran, Please do fix the audio system from a third party store. Its better if you can buy it from the tata showroom itself. I brought a panasonic for my NANO LX. But it cost me almost 10k. So if you buy a cheap audio set from outside shop, in that case also, please take that to the showr Read More...
Rated on shantanunano's review
Rated on smithajraj's review
Commented on ranisona's review
Hi SHORT TEMPERED, Just checked http://www.mouthshut.com/SHORTTEMPERED/timeline . How do you manage to make negative reviews always??? You didn’t make a positive comment for any of the car reviews posted. No matter its Tata or any other company. Or will you review it as ’’good’’ only if you own Read More...
I completely agree with you ranisona, This is the best option for common man during the time of fuel price hike and it gives all facilities and comfort any other car in the segment can give. Tata is offering finance for this car and you can take a new car to your home by paying just only 19,000. Read More...
Rated on ranisona's review
Rated on sarveshjay_mishra's review
Commented on vin_mangotil's review
Good Review, Vin. I too got my LX version delivered a few days back. I am also surprised why people are saying ill about this good car. May be the default average Indian thinking that only expensive things are good and low price things are not good. But that was not the case. Its giving me around Read More...
Rated on vin_mangotil's review
Commented on viggy_reddy's review
Hi SHORT TEMPERED, Just checked http://www.mouthshut.com/SHORTTEMPERED/timeline . How do you manage to make negative reviews always??? You didn’t make a positive comment for any of the car reviews posted. No matter its Tata or any other company. Or will you review it as ’’good’’ only if you o Read More...
It does meet all the safety regulations that an Indian car should meet. It passed its first basic European structural safety tests. Please find the details from the link http://tataforum.com/forums/showthread.php?p=330 You can see the after crash image where the passenger/driver compartment Read More...
It does meet all the safety regulations that an Indian car should meet. If passed its first basic European structural safety tests. Please find the details from the link http://tataforum.com/forums/showthread.php?p=330 You can see the after crash image where the passenger/driver compartment is still Read More...
Hi Friends, I am a proud owner of this car and I had also recommended it to a few of my friends. The performance till now was quiet satisfactory. Also I would like to remind that this is not a 'Ferrari', or a 'Tata Safari' for off-roading and to race or screech through the city. Its meant for peo Read More...
Rated on viggy_reddy's review
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Rated on sreebapu's review
Rated on mjs_bahadur's review
Commented on sandeepkanchi's review
Reviewer does not even have a single minute of driving experience in a NANO. I am not considering a single word from his comment. He should go ahead with a 29 Lakhs BMW if he have surplus money with him. We, average indian's car dream came to true with this great car. Hats off Mr Ratan Tata. I a Read More...
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