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Member Since:Nov 09, 2011
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Reviewed Tata Nano
NANO A DREAM CAR FOR EVERY INDIAN In 2012 if a man is really looking for a Good Family Budget car then go to ur nearest TATA MOTORS to buy NANO . LAST MONTH Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on iminndoc's review
Change your attitude and try to develop an idea about something on the basis on which u hv a very good concrete idea and u ur family and ur service centre experiences are really good for nothing........majority people r using the car,,they r happy nd satisfied with it (mind it from its level and NOT Read More...
Hello sir,i would like to say that i do hold a very good relationship with the man about whom you r talking.. ! every year i do visit Sonari Airport at Jamshedpur for flying on 29th July on THE OCCASION of both JRD TATA and 3rd march on RATAN TATA's birthday.......better u check it out..He uses a bl Read More...
Rated on iminndoc's review
Firstly are you Insane that u have mentioned that all who have made a positive comments they doesnt know and doesnt hv any experience about NANO............first dont make any sorts of comment on something about which u hv very little knowledge...15mints test drive cant provide a person with sooooo Read More...
Commented on vijaykdp's review
U r unfortunate that u had all this experiences....I hv a nano for about 18 months,, driven 25000 kms mostly on highways covering 1 trip 800 kms that also non stop...I get an average mileage of 22 KMS/LT and i am very happy and proud with our nano.............Just noooooooooo problems.
Commented on albany's review
FIRSTLY ... NANO IS NOT A FAILURE , INSTEAD , ITS A GREAT GREAT SUCCESS WITHIN THE SMALL HATCH BACK CARS IN INDIA !!( PLEASE UPDATE UR KNOWLEDGE) ... SECONDLY , If saving money means some1 is a beggar,if saving fuel means we r a beggar if not getting enough parking space to park the car in the busy Read More...
Commented on sandeepkanchi's review
Dont go on spreading all these rumours...i hv driven it for more than 800kms nonstop and i m still alive dude....as per the looks , design , style and comforts are concerned , dont go for NANO if u r habituated with FERRARI , MERCEDES , BMW AND JAGUAR..NANO is for 2 lacs and this cars r for 20 lacs Read More...
Commented on plsay's review
hello!!!! i have read your review ,,and i think you r talking about the mileage,isnt it??if so then i should say that i too hv got a nano and i drive it regularly in the most busiest and congested roads and traffics of kolkata..i do get an average mileage of 16kms/lt(around/approx)....i do drive reg Read More...
Commented on moses21k's review
hello !!! i went through ur review . Im really very sorry to hear all these !! Firstly , NANO doesnt have a Fibre Body .. its a conventional Metal Body like all other regular vehicles , but may be , a little lighter than the others . U said that while u were driving at around 80 kms/hr on the highwa Read More...
Commented on mjs_bahadur's review
I have a Nano about 12months old .. and during this period , i have driven it around 18,000 Kms ! Till now , i didnt face any such problems . But , if Ur facing it , then there must be some manufacturing defect with that particular piece . Moreover , NANO comes with a warranty of 4 years or 60,000 K Read More...
Commented on own review
SHORTTEMPERED BOSS U will keep on thinking for a life looong .. '' aare yaar why i didnt i buy this NANO when TATA Motors were giving the car at such a cheap rate '' !! ........wait time will come soon.. u will repent a lot because there is a hike in the price of the car....hurry up!!! jago re jago Read More...
Hello shorttempered ........ a person with such a short temper like u ( as u named urself ) , will never get enough time for '' High Level Semantic Processing '' ... as a result of which , u ll never get the time to judge a thing whether its good or bad ! So , i being a psychologist , would like to Read More...
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