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Member Since:Aug 06, 2010
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Best bike in 150cc segment and comparision.
Reviewed Honda CB Unicorn Dazzler
I think this review is very useful to buy a bike who are in confusion. Frist I will list out the bikes in 150 cc and in detailed.Remember before purchasing tRead more...
Yamaha sz x driven
Reviewed Yamaha SZ
This is kishore I took a test drive on yamaha sz . Pros:Awesome looks:sz x has a greater eye catching than sz. seating comfort:sz x is a greater height than Read more...
Which is the better
Reviewed Yamaha Gladiator SS
This is kishore pls help me to find a good bike among the following bikes my requirements 1)mileage =ormore than 502)pick up more than passion plus3)good lookRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on vaibhav88's review
hey u r driving a commuter bike in sports version remember this. u r seems to be a performance seeker why u went for dazzy u r choice is R15,apache series.what r problems u r saying is for u only,i have 8 months old dazzy and i completed 12000km still i am getting FE in between 50-55 , and handle is Read More...
Commented on own review
abhishek both hunk and dazzler are derived from same unicorn engine but differently tuned engines.even hunk is14.4 bhp it does not crossed 108kmph but dazzler achieved 115 kmph so u got clarity in power next a comfortable seating arrangement and mono suspension is advantage over hunk in dazzler,next Read More...
pritam just go for yamaha sz x
Commented on sampathsiddam's review
yes what you said is exactly true
yes what all u told is exactly true.
hi sumesh123 sz x chain case is plastic not the chain.just go for sz x and it is giving a good millage of 50 kmpl.this is the good millage in 150 cc in Yamaha mill.
yes sz x touches 50 kmpl after 1 st service in city riding conditions . may it increase to 55 kmpl after 2 or 3 rd service.so Yamaha lovers don't take a second decision ,just go for Yamaha sz x.now the one and only draw back is disc break this is also full filled by Yamaha with in few months..
we can expect 50 millage ,even if we get this millage then this is excellent bike in its segment.if it gives 50 millage don't take another choice just go for sz x why because in 150cc segment all the bikes millage in between 45-50 except unicorn dazzler (55kmpl)which is a worst bike in the view of l Read More...
i queried the customers how allready brought this bike
Rated on melvinsandron's review
Commented on melvinsandron's review
is it really giving the milage between 55-60?r u experienced any vibrations i am eagerly waiting for u r answer....
Commented on manrocky's review
hi manohar r u brought ss125 or ss. if it is gladi type ss then there is a 'GLADIATOR'on u r tank if it is ss125 then there is no writing on u r petrol tank.which one u brought? why because i went to Y junction show room there is no gladi ss only ss125.thats why i am asking. any how nice review k Read More...
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