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Member Since:Jun 05, 2008
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Booked the C5 last week
Reviewed Royal Enfield Classic 500
My visit to the Royal Enfield showroom was casual and just wanted to take a look at the new bike and you bet it was love at first site and ended up booking Read more...
They have improved
Reviewed Simplifly Deccan
I have been using the service of Deccan for 3 -4 years They have really improved a lot.My first flight was a nightmare .The flight was from Bangalore to MumbaRead more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Commented on suvo.sarkar's review
Good review indeed you have created the motivation in me to own the Gaint with 500 cc of wholesome power.I always loved the old punch line of the Bullet 'let the kids play with their toys'.Bullet is indeed a Man's bike but for the unreliable technology for city rides but now the new Classic 500 has Read More...
Commented on venu.murthy's review
Dear Venu, I was planning to buy the classic 500 ,but was finding it difficult to decide between the 350 cc & 500 cc because of the price but now I know that the additional 40K is worth for 500 cc Classic .
Rated on venu.murthy's review
Hi, Has anybody had an opportunity to use Motorola MPx 220 ,it is considered to be a smart phone,with windows 2003 OS.I have been using this for a couple of years,I never found it smart after paying Rs 18000.00 for this handset.The net connection is too slow ,the 1.3 MP camera is good for nothing, Read more...
Hi, Phillips was considered one of the best brands money could buy,those days are gone ,today Phillips makes most of their products in China.I had to give away my 3 years old Phillips TV just because of its poor quality.Like any Chinese product the first year service is too good i.e till it was un Read more...
Commented on someshdotcom's review
Hi, I can understand the kind of frustration u r feeling about this dealer.You have every right to complain to Hyundai directly.You can also take the dealer to the court.Still I would suggest you to send a strong letter to the Top Bosses of Hyundai.Mark a copy to their MD & Chairman ,u bet you will Read More...
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