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Member Since:Mar 17, 2005
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Education: BE
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Why I love this phone
Reviewed Nokia 7600
Weird / Trashy / Odd / Uncomfortable.....these are the few compliments this phone gets from everyone...... Well! you might be thinking Im crazy writingRead more...
IKON Vs Esteem
Reviewed Ford Ikon
Well my friends let me give you the verdict before........IKON Why IKON.......well for starters, I own it....so that makes it a sensible buy. But I know thatRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
Hi Piyush...firstly I compared the Ikon 1.6 with the Esteem. Hence as far as the engine is concerned the Ikon's 1.6 is far more superior than the Esteem 1.3. As far as the Ikon 1.3 is concerned, yes Ford did sell an old engine intially but that has been replaced by a new engine once the flair came i Read More...
Commented on sonalz_neo's review
Good stuff buddy....nice review Black Friday is a superb album...hats off to INDIAN OCEAN. I never heard these guys b4 until the promos started coming on the air...fantastic song and album..... Wish more filmmakers in India experiemnt with their OST's... Cheers to that :-) Kishore
Rated on sonalz_neo's review
Thnxs for the comments guys... rohitthebest: The speakerphone is avg, works fine but only indoors. Cticize: Its not that big as it looks in the Pic. Infact its the perfect phone to keep in the pocket since it is square shaped...:-) thegreatone: Probably ure friend wears skin tights :-)....c Read More...
Yes I am, cuz that was the reason for the review. And probably you said it best...IKON is a modern car and Esteem a 15 yr old relic with cosmetic changes. What more can I say.... Btw...I have no issues with the Esteem (nor have I said anything about Esteem being a bad car)....its a lovely car...b Read More...
Commented on anupamw's review
Hey Anupam...Good one man.... I own a used 1.6ZXI and am just love driving it each day....it's a gr8 machine However, the spares are an area of concern. I don't know who's to blame ... the dealers may not be keeping them in stock... or ....Ford itself has some issues with it. That's the only Read More...
Commented on vishal_is_billa's review
Hi Vishal...Nice review. I love this phone, been using it from the past 6 months and its been just gr8. However, there are a few CONS to this phone which you failed to mention.... 1. Not an easy phone for ppl who send a lot of SMS 2. Limited memory option...no expansion slot available. With the ca Read More...
Rated on vishal_is_billa's review
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