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Member Since:Apr 21, 2013
0 MS Points
i am a dental surgeon. a tech savy person too. :) enjoyin life
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Amazin Ride quality, Amazing comfort..
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Ciaz VXi Plus AT
Good Looks.Good Comfort .Good ride quality .AT z xcllnt . Just one thing .The build inside seems a notch lower than those of Honda and Skoda.agreed all the sRead more...
Sky Rocket Pricing and Hell Of A Waiting Time!
Reviewed Honda Activa 125
I really like the look and the feel of this beast. But at the same time, I am saddened by Honda ppl and its service. First of all, the prize is sky high in DeRead more...
'Dabbba' Phone
Reviewed HTC One V
I hv been using this dabba for a year and a half now..and I must say, I myself have become a dabba using this..lol. Got this for 18k, upgraded froRead more...
O general axgt18aath 1.5Tr
Reviewed O General Air Conditioner
We bought this ac from durga electricals pitampura on 21/4/13 the fitting was done on the same day :)..impressive. This new 3star ac from general is differeRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on vishalgandhi890's review
Commented on camryrobot's review
what were the regular servc charges fr ur car?? nd how satisfied are you with the aftr sales srvc??
Commented on shubham7's review
how is the overall suspension while driving on bad roads?? coz i hv heard due to its light wt its bumps alot
Rated on shubham7's review
Commented on rockingnj's review
It has a brk lock dear..its given as a latch on d left break ..enjoy d ride
Commented on own review
so shall i go ahead nd book it? i ws thinkin f goin wid access instead
Commented on suraj73's review
hw is the acceleration of d scooter with 2 riders and some luggage loaded..was it feeling heavy..or was it smooth..specially on uphill roads.
Commented on lynn_noronha's review
shall i go fr swish instead?? or activa??
Commented on soansshawn's review
shall i opt fr swish??
Rated on thomasbijo007's review
Commented on thomasbijo007's review
thankz alot arkhan nd thomasbijo007 :D
u seem pretty xcited ..dazz gud :D even i am cnfused btwn access and swish..i hv heard dat swish hs engine stoppage problem. and access built quality is bettr. cn u pls guide me . thankz :)
Commented on kanankhandelwal's review
heyy why didnt u cnsdr swish??
Commented on arundas5959's review
and did u compare it with access??
what kind of starting problems..please elaborate ..thankz :)
it costed around 29k ..goin strong..chillz d room in 3mins flat ..jus one cons, noise z li'll on d hyer syd coz f d stormy air it throws, so u need to hv a gud fittin :) its a jumbo ac
Commented on keshavrajkumbhar's review
hey thnx fr d revw..aftr doing xtnsv research on activa , swish, vespa etc..access has given me d bst response frm d users. so its access fr me ..all d way.. :)
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