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Member Since:Feb 10, 2018
180 MS Points
Nothing about me I'm a computer science graduate student in engineering college
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Nothing in discipline
Reviewed S K S D Mahila Kalasala-Tanuku
The SKSD Mahila Kalasala which was located in tanuku its now one of the worst college in tanuku in the form of discipline .I this college my sister was studieRead more...
Old. Concept with new plot
Reviewed Awe!
Today morning I went to the movie Awe! .its themovie with the twists .its an heroine oriented movie.no one can understand what was happening the sudden changeRead more...
Fake product
Reviewed Kurkure Butter Masti
Mad about it: In my childhood I was loved towards eatting kurkure butter masti and tomato flavour .i was just mad about it .and the spices in it was most awesRead more...
Copied love story
Reviewed Tholi Prema
Today I went to The movie was cute love story which was directed by the venky who was the actor turned director the movie is THOLI PREMA .it was the massive bRead more...
Different but not in expected range
Reviewed Intelligent
Yesterday I went to the intellegent movie .what I have expected from the movie is not reached at their best . Title: Intelligent. Cast crew: Hero: sai dharRead more...
Purely waste to choose this college
Reviewed Bonam Venkata Chalmayya Institute of Technology and Science-Godavari
Bonam Venkata chalmayya engineering college in amalapuram is purely waste College.the management will not take any responsibility of the students it always onRead more...
Royal game
Reviewed Clash Of Clans
My experience in clash of clans is shared with the pics I posted .I love this game .the function and the concept is use to empower our mind .the latest that mRead more...
Best at their work
Reviewed Godaavari Townships - Visakhapatnam
The godavari township in vishakapatnam the construction company was good company they complete the work in time with attitude and dedication .the respect the Read more...
Comfort be like
Reviewed Volkswagen Vento 1.5 TDI Highline AT
The Volkswagen vento 1.5TDI is good car .but the drawbacks are its mileage and the cost of the car is very expensive to the middle class families .if itRead more...
Dylma of buying Mobile phone
Reviewed Tips on Buying Mobile Phone
In the present fast world and increasing day by day technology features it will keep us in a state of confusion so dont be worried of choosing the rightRead more...
Love about it
Reviewed Alpha Hotel - Railway Station Road - Secunderabad
The such a wonderful restaurant is the Alfa .it is not only the restaurant but also it a bakery .the food in this was sooooo delicious .once you taste of it tRead more...
Smoking cause cancer
Reviewed Goldflake Small
Actually, not only gold flake small all cigarettes are injurious to health.the consumption of a single cigarette may even cause cancer.it is not only harmful Read more...
Experience about it
Reviewed AVG Cinemas (Geetha Multiplex) - Balusumoodi - Bhimavaram
The theatre was at the right place for no problems of any disturbance to the people.the problem is only the traffic at the theatre at which the people feelingRead more...
Hillarious and most heart touching story
Reviewed Chalo
The whole concept of the movie story is good but it became common point from all past movies of combining two families or villages but now in this movie to acRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Followed somaiyachaitanya08 , asthayaduvanshi , soniarohini3
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Astha Yaduvanshi (@asthayaduvanshiMouthShut Verified Member)
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vikrampwar (@vikrampwarMouthShut Verified Member)
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Geetha Darji (@darjigeethaMouthShut Verified Member)
Krishna Joshi (@krishutrivedi18MouthShut Verified Member)
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Talking Bouy (@talkingbouyMouthShut Verified Member)
Akhil Gupta (@nobrokerMouthShut Verified Member)
Mukesh Gupta (@mukeshguptaMouthShut Verified Member)
Vaibhav Bagga (@vaibhavbagga730MouthShut Verified Member)