Mad about it: In my childhood I was loved towards eatting kurkure butter masti and tomato flavour .i was just mad about it .and the spices in it was most awesome thing to taste which added the deadly flavour to it .i used to fight with my sister to eat all his kurkure packets . instead of food I was only loved to eat kurkure while im drinking cooldrink I used to eat kurkure such a mad man to love mom, siblings used to schold me all time that I was not eatting food instead of it I used to eat kurkure.i mostly used to eat only tomato and butter masti flavour of 5 rupee packets.
But now the real situation:
One day my brother after seeing my madness about kurkure he thought that I was addicting to it and he said that kurkure was not made of corn flour instead of that it was made by plastic at that movement I was ignored it and I told you are lying just dont tell kak and bull stories .later one morning at the camp fire I was eatting kurkure one piece of it was fallen into fire then I was shocked it was svelling like a plastic when you burn the plastic you can observe a svelling in that manner it was svelling then I was decided to not to eat kukure till now the incident happened in the year 2007 I was tasted it at anytime.
My suggestion:
Dont eat kurkure and dont let children to eat kurkure instead of buying kurkure by them lays.