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Member Since:Jan 10, 2008
0 MS Points
1 thing which I really don't want mouthshut.com to become is: a medium for expressing angers and frustrations in a biased manner. Let's not expect that anyone is going to serve you 100% all the time. You may have good and bad experiences. Reviews posted on mouthshut should be given in a fair and factual manner, rather than emotional manner. I really find mouthshut to be about 70-80% time full of negative reviews and very less positive reviews, even if the product/service is actually good. Mouthshut should be a platform for people to help them buy something good, not as a medium for only negative reviews. Even worse, I've seen lot of services improving radically over time. Generally, when something is just launched, the service levels are more often than not poor. And they give a bad first impression to user. So bad reviews get posted. However, with time, unless the management is really screwed up, services improve a lot over time. In such cases, I highly recommend members to update their experiences with time. Otherwise, pure negative reviews just don't help anyone - it creates more confusion among the buyers - they see everything is rated badly.
About Me
Education: MTech, BTech (Comp Sc)
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Beam Cable rocks now! (Really improved)
Reviewed Beam Fiber Telecom
After I was pissed off with recent moves of ISPs like BSNL & Airtel to really change the definitions of Unlimited internet (unlimited 2 Mbps in Airtel means yRead more...
It rocks
Reviewed Onida Ultra Slim
It has been 2 months since I brought home this beauty! And it has been such a wonderful experience with this product that I couldnt stop recommending thRead more...
Very good Sleeper quality
Reviewed Kesineni Travels - Hyderabad
I, and my sister traveled from Hyderabad to Bangalore on Kesinenis Sleeper bus on this weekend. Im a regular traveler on long distance Volvo busesRead more...
Reliance: not a Reliable brand to trust for
Reviewed Reliance Broadnet Broadband
Beware of reliance products.. As far as broadband is considered, reliance home plans allow only one user at a time to access internet.. Although on rcom web-Read more...
Airtel Broadband.. Very reliable & great service
Reviewed Airtel Broadband
Well, Airtel has come a long way in customer service, I feel, at least in Bangalore, if not elsewhere. Approach: I approached Airtel guy on phone through a pRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on Tek69's review
Rated on vedareview's review
Rated on gurmeetkau's review
Commented on PooPratcy's review
There is only one difference between Airtel & BSNL modem settings. For Airtel, the VPI/VCI is 1/32, but for BSNL, I don't remember exactly, but I think it was 1/30 or 1/31. Other than that, there is no difference. You can try. https://sites.google.com/site/kundanburnwal/usingbsnltype-24modemwithair Read More...
Rated on safdarz's review
Commented on own review
@beamhelpdesk: now its your turn to show some courtesy and professionalism to @reddybhai. He's genuinely facing issues and its time that you guys took customers seriously. You can't be here to give thumbs up to my genuine positive reviews alone and give no response to genuine negative reviews. @re Read More...
1 thing which I really don't want mouthshut.com to become is: a medium for expressing angers and frustrations in a biased manner. Let's not expect that anyone is going to serve you 100% all the time. You may have good and bad experiences. Reviews posted on mouthshut should be given in a fair and fac Read More...
@kizar_hussain: if you see the comment posted by me below, I had used UTStarcom Wireless Router/AP, but even with that it allowed only one connection. Anyways, the good news is that I shifted to a new home long back and there, Airtel had its broadband service! So I immediately switched to Airtel, a Read More...
Rated on VelM's review
Commented on VelM's review
The review was supposed to be of BSNL as a 3G service provider, but it completely misses that. No technical details are mentioned. It is not a wikipedia page or a news page where you need to describe what 3G is, how is it different from 2G and things like that, news items like spectrum auction and a Read More...
Rated on anujbatta2007's review
Commented on anujbatta2007's review
It sounds like copy-paste, and that too multiple times.. or an Ad from a company sales & marketing person
Rated on vutechnologies's review
Rated on ak2009's review
Hi max_techie: Thanks for your valuable comments.. As far as I'm aware of, (and I cross checked) most speed testing sites, be it 2wire.com or speedtest.net, or even the ADSL status page of most modems provide speed in kpbs (connection speed is measured in kbps & download speed in kBps), not kBps Read More...
Followed max_techie
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