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Member Since:Jul 28, 2005
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Education: Ph.D.
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For want of a battle...
Reviewed Rang De Basanti
Cinema and nationalism have had a historically significant link in India. India is, for instance, the only country where the cinema industry precedes the indeRead more...
Tale as old as time...
Reviewed King Kong (New)
King Kong is not an attempt to retell a famous story. It is a tribute to all the movies that have possibly inspired Peter Jackson’s own journey as a filRead more...
Only those who can, teach
Reviewed Kaali Vadali Ujali Kor - Jashi Naik
Jashi Naik’s Kaali Vadali Ujali Kor – Dark clouds; Silver borders – is a collection of short stories that draw from her own experiences as aRead more...
From the Silicon Valley to the Silicon City
Reviewed Nudist On the Late Shift, The - P O Bronson
It is a well documented fact that technologies produce icons – be it the glitzy movie celebrities on page 3 of newspapers or the commoner on reality telRead more...
Do cyborgs dream of human beings?
Reviewed Natural Born Cyborgs - Andy Clark
I am sorry but I have to withdraw the review I had made here. The review is now getting published in an anthology by SAGE and compiled together by MICA - MudrRead more...
An unreluctant rave...
Reviewed Reluctant Guru, The - R K Narayan
The Reluctant Guru is none other than the celebrated author himself, exposed to the funny naiveté of American campus crowds. On tour as a D.V.P. (DistingRead more...
The misguided guide
Reviewed Guide, The - R K Narayan
Technically, The Guide is an advance on the earlier novels: the present and the past are cunningly jumbled to produce an impression of suspense and anticipatiRead more...
To cast caste
Reviewed Caste, Society and Politics in India - Susan Bayly
Bayly tries to point out certain ‘caste-like’ ideologies that have always existed in the history of India. These ideologies are being traced in thRead more...
Of dollar dreams - a feminist reading
Reviewed Dollar Bahu - Sudha Murthy
Popular; translated into different languages and media, claiming to provide an insight into the entangled – to use a hazy euphemism- connections betweenRead more...
For want of a title...
Reviewed Mr. Sampath--the Printer of Malgudi - R K Narayan
“There are writers – Tolstoy and Henry James to name two- whom we hold in awe, writers - Turgenev and Chekhov – for whom we hold a personal Read more...
In a world of its own
Reviewed Boyfriend, The - R. Raj Rao
R. Raj Rao’s The Boyfriend is a usual tale of unusual happenings – a love triangle between two men and a mongrel Mumbai. Mixing facts, fiction andRead more...
What not to do while writing a book
Reviewed Five Point Someone - Chetan Bhagat
The good thing about college stories is that they end when the college years do. Five point someone is a similar story – fun while it lasts, embarrassinRead more...
Iqbal - For the love of the game
Reviewed Iqbal
Iqbal, the promos might proclaim, is the story of cricket. However, that is the last thing that the movie is actually about. Iqbal is a usual story of unusualRead more...
Of Fruits and curds and yummy dreams
Reviewed Nestle Fruit n Dahi
Nestles Fruits N Dahi comes in two flavours - a delicious mango and a yummy strawberry. The adverts promised that it was the taste of fruits and the ricRead more...
Not so much a riddle!
Reviewed Paheli
Paheli as a movie is pre-rational. The people who wash it away or question the logic of it are people who are unable to locate the world behind the parable, tRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed debanish , magicalsummer , Heng2005
Rated on sajain84's review
Rated on oenone's review
Rated on patenik2's review
Commented on own review
I must say I understand fantasy and obscurity only in a Jonathan Stroud novel. I am not sure whether you found the review of any use at all...but hey, it was an attempt to try out reviewing books other than fiction. Nishant
Dear Borngenius (please excuse the slight smirk I get at that name), I get your point. Was it meant for public consumption? Yes. Was it meant for universal public consumption? No. I don't generally write reviews which are so convulated or academic but once in a while I like going the full nine yar Read More...
Rated on reavan's review
Rated on magicalsummer's review
Commented on magicalsummer's review
that was an extremely interesting analogy and analysis that you made there - that the underdog has to battle through blacks and whites to emerge in the spectrum of victory. However, intriguing as that proposition sounds, I think I would question it. to draw from your own analogy, the eklavya dronach Read More...
I think those were questions that bothered me in hindsight as well. Infact some of them sounded so ludicrous that I wondered what they were doing in the movie. and it wasnt until I relived the movie in my mind that i suddeny realised that the questions were perhaps not to be answered in the movie. I Read More...
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