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Member Since:May 25, 2015
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CapitalVia cheat people
Reviewed CapitalVia
They give positive calls only for first 3-4 days. and the loss begins to happen if you have not paid their full fee of 15000 rs. Initially they said to me. paRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
I registered a complaint against them at the below link provided. Reg # SEBIE/KN15/0000305/1
Commented on atcool30's review
Rated on atcool30's review
Commented on njnaveen's review
you are right.. they are cheating people. Why we don't have any legal to look after these fraud companies?
Did anyone of you tried for refund of losses or fee?
It is almost been 15 days now.... I m still struggling to recover the loss (infact didn't get a single paise). They are still giving me false calls which I have been testing since 15 days and none of them have worked out as expected. upon calling them, they are still giving me false promises to reco Read More...
Commented on vivekjawda80's review
i got registered with them on 16th May and strated trading from 18th May. As on today my loss it 10500 Rs. and forget about the profit which we get in hundreds. The above loss + 5000 fee i have paid. it is total 15k loss. if you need an answer to why only people who made loss is because they g Read More...
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