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Member Since:Dec 20, 2019
20 MS Points
I’m a simple & down to earth person . I feel women are better in all spears of life compared to men.
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Indigo Airlines Service
Reviewed Indigo Airlines
Indigo Airlines Service is Excellent and is beyond comparison to the rest of the Airlines in India. The service in ground & on board is above excellence. The Read more...
Reviewed India Today Group (India Today)
India today broadcasted an interview of Rhea Chakraborty. It was a total friendly PR stunt of Rhea. The news editor Rajdeep Sardesai openly gave a murder accuRead more...
Tata Tea
Reviewed Tata Tea
I have been having Tata Gold tea for years. I have 3 cups a day and cannot live without Tata Gold tea. I have tried various other brands but jusg did not likeRead more...
Not professional in banking sector
Reviewed HDFC Bank
Whenever I have used the HDFC bank service in the bank they have always messed up. The employees of Hdfc keep leaving to better banks as they do not believe iRead more...
Reviewed MTS Mobile Operator
MTS was a good comoany but unfortunately it hss closed down . The internet connection of MTS was excellent . I used it for 2 years but all of a sudden I learnRead more...
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
Very poor experience . I had a Airtel connection for a short while but due to poor network all the time have discontinued it . Read more...
User Friendly phone
Reviewed Apple iPhone 7 128GB
IPhone 7 is the most user friendly mobile , once you start using this iPhone model you will never want to use any other brand mobile for sure. The camera clarRead more...
King in the field of Media
Reviewed Republic TV
The Republic TV is the best news channel in India. They are true to their work and do not give fake news. The channel is doing very well with Mr Arnab GoswamiRead more...
Reviewed JT Aviation Academy - Kolkata
The institute is a great place to do your BBA in aviation. The faculty’s are excellent. The campus drive are very frequently held in the institute. Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
JT AVIATION COLLEGE is now the leaders in Aviation placements in the eastern region.
Followed chanduscharmychar
Commented on chanduscharmychar's review
Absolutely very true , I agree to the fullest
Commented on simrox12's review
Arnab Goswami has been doing a great job in solving the mystery behind the death case of SSR. It is Arnab who started the world wide campaign in requesting for a CBI enquiry. Hats of to Arnab & Republic TV. If Arnab has not initiated the case then Mumbai police must have closed the case long back bc Read More...
Commented on krishnarathod8401's review
I believe it is one of those bad experiences which was very rare. The reason is MTS Service was very good
The students who have completed their HS / 12std, the best option is to go for a professional course like BBA , it’s Graduation in Aviation in JT AVIATION COLLEGE . The advantage is that JT AVIATION is affiliated to MAKAUT and it is authorised to IATA too. JT Aviation has been awarded various awards Read More...
JT Aviation is the best platform for students who have a goal & are interested in an excellent career ahead . The management is excellent , the faculties are all working professionals at the airport . The students are given high quality training and finally they attend an Internship program of one m Read More...
Commented on sujansaha2017's review
Who ever you are , you must be having some major personal grudge on JT Aviation. I must say you kindly study about JT Aviation or you have any query come to me I will show you the documentary price from the Airlines HR of how many of our students are happily working in the various Airlines. Firstl Read More...
Commented on shreyasjha801's review
I’m sure you are either insane or you are uneducated. Please be honest and confirm how much cash you have taken from another Aviation Academy to write such a negative comment about JT Aviation Academy. Don’t tarnish a gentleman’s name just for your selfish requirements of cash. If you want to earn Read More...
Commented on priyanka_ghosh's review
I’m sure you are either insane or you are uneducated. Please be honest and confirm how much cash you have taken from another Aviation Academy to write such a negative comment . Don’t tarnish a gentleman’s name just for your selfish requirements of cash. You really need to grow up to understand to k Read More...
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Om Singh Knowledge Tank (@omsingh1553526MouthShut Verified Member)
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Star Health (@Star_HealthMouthShut Verified Member)
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LifeCell International Pvt Ltd (@LifeCell_CSMouthShut Verified Member)
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Rajesh Puri (@EduPristine_CareMouthShut Verified Member)
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