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Member Since:Sep 30, 2008
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The final review.......(revised - v1.3 - 23rd oct
Reviewed Yamaha R15
I own this bike(black one) for a month now.ll try to give u all the details & a test drive on pune roads. cost-1.1L on road.I had always dreamt to ride Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on SuperSportsJM's review
This is the ONLY sports bike of INDIA. There is no other sports bike here.
Commented on raju_elangoas's review
R15's power to weight ratio is 140, & not 129, which is the highest among Indian bikes. the second comes P220 with 131. R15 has 16.8BHP, 120kg.
Commented on devgoyal's review
I know what is good & what is bad for me. DON'T advice me. Never ask for suggestions if U can't digest those. By the way what is THE bike & what is s bike?
Rated on Nikhilmoorthy's review
Commented on gopinathsekar's review
high speed??? 125km/h?? Its not a review, not even a good 'copy-paste'.
Did u buy a bike? As Diwali is over I think u must have got one, Right?
Rated on avinash_b18's review
Commented on avinash_b18's review
yeah avinash, I have also faced the same scenario. Its not a prob. with the bike.The reason is that the bike needs warm-up. Run it for 20-35 kms and then it becomes normal.
What do you mean? What is the problem? Truth is hard to digest & specially when it reflects yourself.
Hey Dear, If you could buy any bike as soon as possible, than it would be the best for you & for us also :) I sincerely suggested you not to go for R15. But now I feel, you r not going to buy a bike. had it been, had that been............... But still everyones choice differs, so it is so.
Rated on kishR15's review
Commented on kishR15's review
PLEASE DON'T copy others reviews, put your own. And where have you come from man? Till now you didn't even know the spec.s of the bike properly & u r writing a review. 20-24 BHP??????????? which bike u r talking about? won't get punctured??? how? number plate not available? what is this?
In your review:- 1.Member's Recommendation: No 2.Ratings - not good(shows u r not interested) 3.U need large bike, heavy tyres etc...(shows u also think in the same way as the Indian mass thinks about a supersports bike) So I strongly recomend you not to go for R1-5, it will never satisfy Read More...
Commented on santoshbhai's review
one of the best reviews.The best part of the review I liked is :- the comments on flat tyres. :)
Rated on santoshbhai's review
Rated on Gforce's review
Commented on Gforce's review
But i COULD NOT understand who rated the review(which is not at all a review) as 'useful' ???????????????
This thread is not for the reviews of cruisers like royal enfield. Find some other thread to help yourself.The 85% indian youths are not fools, so you can guess who is it! R1-5 is a racing bird. not a bullock-cart, to transport heavy tummies.... And see what --- cycle tyres & modified luna, Oh i Read More...
Commented on cezzane's review
You need not fill up water in the battery at all. Read the manual carefully & thoroughly before riding the bike. It helps both the bike & the rider.
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