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Member Since:Mar 03, 2003
0 MS Points
I am happily married man in the early thirties with two kids. I work for the Indian Government without any cribs. Thanks to my job, I have travelled through the length and breadth of the country(excluding the region to which I belong - the south). I was born in Madras and did my schooling(Madras Christian College HSS) there, before moving to Coimbatore(GCT) for doing Engineering. This was the first of my many moves and I am in the process of loosing count of the number of places I have lived. The fingerprint image whichs is visible on the monitor is of my left thumb- can be classified as a left loop type :-). My interests are ( well let me think .........).... playing squash, reading(anything printed in english, tamil and hindi), surfing, cooking (sorry folks... only vegetarian stuff) and eating whatever I cooked.
About Me
Education: M Tech, MBA
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The choice is yours
Reviewed Are Cell Phone Radiations Harmful
Are mobile/cellular phones harmful to health is a question which has been frequently put forth by many , but few would have got the REAL answers.Many answers Read more...
Chennai - the place to live
Reviewed Chennai
A lot have already been written over the years about the city of Madras(nee Chennai) by various reviewers earlier and so I feel that I need not write about thRead more...
Is it an express?
Reviewed Chennai Exp.
Firstly can a train which covers a distance of just about 1200 kms in 25 hours at an average speed of 50 kmph be termed as an express train? Indian Railways wRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Rated on amriyer's review
Commented on amriyer's review
Came back to MS after a loooong gap and read a review which I do not want to mention and felt that MS has become a slanging and abusing field during my 'absence', but after reading your review( which was the second one I read), I realised that MS is still good. Your style of reviewing is quite Read More...
Rated on danny09's review
Commented on danny09's review
hi danny, I dont think there was any need for you to spoil a very good review by adding 'parliamentary' language. Keep your review going, but jettison the expletives.
Commented on own review
hi SasiKanth, Your comments came in quite fast(within few minutes after I submitted my review). Went through the revu suggested by you. I have never used the radiation measurement gadgets mentioned in that review and hence cannot comment on it. Will try to acquire some information on that and wi Read More...
Followed jayaram
Rated on bvivek's review
Rated on melvinjohn's review
Commented on firstautumn's review
hi nan, The review was sumptuous......burrp......... Lagta ek baar matunga visit karna hi padega. The description of the food brought me the memories of my vacations at my grandparents place years back. The very mention that the sambar is not sweet, is enough for me to drag myself from Powai to Read More...
Rated on firstautumn's review
Followed spookaay , amrita , PROFBBMOHANTY
Rated on xray's review
Commented on xray's review
.... but there is a loop-hole for Orange users..... When I try to send a message when the signal strength is low, my handset says the message was not sent, but actually the message is sent(most of the times). So if I want to send a not so important SMS, I reduce the signal strength by either coveri Read More...
Rated on jilks's review
Rated on iComment's review
Commented on dhruv_tara's review
The Indigo's forefather-the Indica was quite a noisy one. can someone comment about this aspect of the Indigo. The review was great. -madhu
Followed mouthshutdotcom
Rated on warrior's review
Rated on blonde22tiger's review
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