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New Delhi
Member Since:Jul 27, 2008
0 MS Points
I am an avid biker. Love going on long rides. I am also a movie buff and watch a lot of hollywood movies in my spare time
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My experience of/after first servicing
Reviewed Hero Honda CBZ Xtreme
I am posting this review after the first servicing of my bike. My earlier review was under the CBZ Xtreme Disk Brake. My bike has clocked 700 km now and needlRead more...
My Experience of/after first servicing
Reviewed Hero Honda CBZ - Disc Brake
I am posting this review after the first servicing of my bike. I have also posted this review under Hero Honda CBZ Xtreme. My bike has clocked 700 km now and Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on livehappy's review
Mr. Ross, Please refrain from PLAGIARISM. Your review is a total copy paste from the Ford website. I wonder how no one has noticed this. Here is the link for the same: http://www.india.ford.com/servlet/ContentServer?cid=1178851586427&pagename=FIPL%2FDFYPage%2FFord-Default&c=DFYPage&site=FIPL Read More...
Rated on Downpour's review
Commented on Downpour's review
This is PLAGIARISM at its best....this review is a total copy paste from this one: http://gizmodo.com/5047578/ipod-nano-review Dude, please write your own reviews. Mouthshut welcomes your OWN personal experiences and reviews, not any cut-pastes from the net. Keep this in mind
Rated on sanjay_f10's review
Commented on sanjay_f10's review
Useless review. Not mentioning about any pros or cons about the bike.
Rated on thatisuresh's review
Commented on thatisuresh's review
posted in the wrong section. Also not very useful or informative
Followed poojagot2b
Rated on ghostrider4u's review
Commented on own review
Hey didnt understand waht do u mean by 'fuel additive'. Does that mean that I shud mix some separate fuel additive along with the the petrol. If yes then please give me the names of some good fuel additives and in what proportion it shud be added to the petrol. PS: I am using speed petrol and Read More...
Rated on sharad2008ab's review
Thanks a lot guys...I need to know one thing more...as nponda told ’’progressively go at higher RPMs thru the 1st 1,000 km’’ does that mean that as I progress towards 1000km I should increase the rpm. Another thing I want to know is what is the ideal RPM for each gear...for eg., I drive at 50k Read More...
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