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Member Since:Dec 07, 2015
1600 MS Points
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One of the best Historical movie in Hindi
Reviewed Padmaavat
After a long contradiction and many issues this movie have released and give the audience a very beautiful historical film. I love this film in many ways. StRead more...
You can go for it only if you like fight scene.
Reviewed Baaghi 2
It is very difficult to say this is a good movie but not a bad one though. Lets get started with the basic story line. It is bacically a love story of a militRead more...
Best movie from Pirates of the Caribbean series
Reviewed Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
This is a fantasy adventure movie.oh it is also a comedy movie. before write the review I want to say that this is one of my favourite movie. The basic story Read more...
The best media player I have used.
Reviewed VLC Media Player
VLC media player is one of my fevourite media player I ever used. I have used some others media player but now there is only one media player in my laptop is Read more...
One of the top medical college of West Bengal
Reviewed Nilratan Sircar Medical College and Hospital - Kolkata
According to Indian Medical Council it is the second top medical college in our state. Dr. Nilratan Sircar is the founder of this college. The courses offeredRead more...
Nonsticky lip balm
Reviewed Nivea Lip Balm
The main feature for which you can buy it that it is nonsticky and never give you a burning sensation on lip. The product is too good that a little bit colourRead more...
Comedy superhero movie.
Reviewed Deadpool
Deadpool is a awesome comedy superhero movie . First time I have seen this type of superhero movie. The basic story line is not strong enough it start with a Read more...
Most popular dental college of West Bengal
Reviewed Dr. R.Ahmed Dental College and Hospital - Kolkata
This college now ranks 7 out of all Asian dental college. But it was the first dental college in not only India but also in Asia. The founder was Dr. RafiuddiRead more...
Nice epic love story.
Reviewed Bajirao Mastani
Bajirao Mastani is an epic historical love story based movie. he basic story line is about Bajiraos love story. Mastani(deepika) a Muslim prince fell loRead more...
It is a awesome game..
Reviewed Temple Run
This is a gaming application for android, windows and apple phone. This is one of the most popular mobile game of the world. This gaming app very is to play bRead more...
Best mailing site.
Reviewed Gmail.com
This is the mailing site of google.com .  I think most of the internet user very much familiar with this mailing site. This is one of the most popular mailingRead more...
Very nice software and easy to use..
Reviewed Picasa
This is very useful and very nice software. This is a photo viewer and photo editor software. Picasa is very easy to use and very simple for every types of usRead more...
Upgradation can make this better
Reviewed Windows Media Player
This is a media player which is provided by the Microsoft with its Windows operating system. The features of this media player is very limited, most of the fiRead more...
Great autobiagraphy.
Reviewed Wings of Fire: An Autobiography of APJ Abdul Kalam - Arun Tiwari
Wings of Fire is the autobiography of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. He is the former president of our great Nation. This book is all about his life, his view, about hiRead more...
Great city of Nadia
Reviewed Krishnanagar
This is my home town and this the main town of Nadia. This is the city of Krishnachandra Raja. But truely speaking this not a good place for tour but it is a Read more...
Very helpful website.
Reviewed Freshersworld
This is a very good website for the freshers who are seeking for job. It provide many question paper of almost all reputed company and competitive examinationRead more...
The biggest social media site in the world
Reviewed Facebook
Facebook is the most popular social media website through out the globe. This site is developed by Mark  zuckerberg and he is the current CEO of Facebook. ThiRead more...
This is a good TV series...
Reviewed The Flash
I always like to read superhero comics and love to see superhero series and movie from my childhood. The Flash is one of my fevourite DC comics hero and thisRead more...
Holy place of Nadia.
Reviewed Sri Mayapur
Hello guys I am from Nadia and I have visited Sri Mayapur many times. This is a holy place and the birth place of lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprobhu. This place isRead more...
Beautiful place for weekend.
Reviewed Bakkhali
I have visited this beach site last year with my friends. This place is really awesome and quite silence as much people do not know about this beach very wellRead more...
Delivery Delays & Harassment by Health Consultant
Reviewed Truemeds
The problem with ordering from Truemeds is that the order processing time is extremely high. If you are in a hurry to get the medicine, you cant use theRead more...
Followed akashsingh870584 , girisadhuprasad , revathy111 , divyavr123
Rated on prasanthgs's review
Commented on kapilaastha126's review
Only I have enjoyed the Randeep acting part in this movie. Your review is good.
Rated on kapilaastha126's review
Rated on vedavikas77's review
Followed Tyler_Durden186
Commented on lawrencemandel's review
It is not informative. I dont like it.
Rated on Mcoolgirl's review
Commented on ansh14474's review
it is a helpfull review..it will help me in future. thank you.
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Rated on happy07's review
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sourav dey (@sourav8088MouthShut Verified Member)
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Minati Behera (@minatimeisterMouthShut Verified Member)
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Manan Bajoria (@ixigoMouthShut Verified Member)
Vijay Saini (@vijaybaghel1993MouthShut Verified Member)
Vikram Bhanot (@vikrambhanot61MouthShut Verified Member)
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aayanshsharma795 (@aayanshsharma795MouthShut Verified Member)
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