After a long contradiction and many issues this movie have released and give the audience a very beautiful historical film. I love this film in many ways.
Story& Plot: This film is based on the historical character Rani Padmabati. She is a very well known Queen in Indian history as the beautiful queen. Allauddin Kholji the emperor of India in that time wants to see her for once but it was not allowed as Padmabati was the wife of Rana Ratan Singh the king of Rajpoot king of Chitoor. And the cantradiction occurred which leads them in to battle.
Cast: Deepika as Padmabati, Ranveer Singh as Alauddin Kholji, Sahid Kapoor as Rana Ratan Singh. They all did their job very well done.
Costume& make-up: Believe me the make up and costume of Ranveer is just awesome, and Deepika look very stunning and her Padmabati costume is just mind blowing.
Grafics: In this section I can not give a thumbs up because grafics of this film is ok and in some scene it was bad.
Directions: The director of this film is Sanjay Leela Buansali. And he did very good job as he is a very good job.
Actions& Acting: There are some very nice and well framed action scenes in this movie. The acting is very good all over the movie. But Ranveer will get a extra intention if you go for this movie.
Music: its a very strong plus point of this movie. Very nice music composition.
I enjoyed this movie a lot hope you will enjoy too. Just go for it. This movie worth watching.