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Member Since:Jan 25, 2004
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Education: bcom
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The Fraud Institute IIPM ''never join it''
Reviewed IIPM-Delhi
The Thing Whict Happend To all the student who appeared for IIPM. below written is the cc of letter sent to director of iipm an insulting institute.) To DrRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
its manish here thanks every one who r agree with me or not.i am very happy because i am getting readers .i have said from heat and know very well that there r many mistakes but i am not going to change it beacase every one reads it and understand it that why some r not agree and some r.
Commented on life1oxygen's review
I am Recommending That this institute is not good for studies.the institute which start earning money from the very first step ie addmissions .so this is a fraud institute. Never Join This Institute.
its a mistake or bullshut if u compare this fraud institue with IIM. if it is so then one can,t get addmission directly without giving any answer in written exam and donig nothing in interview and gd. as i and my friends had done. is all a magic. nothing else.first attracts u by free prosp... appl Read More...
Commented on aruna_k's review
its a mistake or bullshut if u compare this fraud institue with IIM. if it is so then one can,t get addmission directly without giving any answer in written exam and donig nothing in interview and gd. as i and my friends had done. is all a magic. nothing else.first attracts u by free prosp... ap Read More...
Its ok wether u r a single person with different Ids or different one .i have no problem at all .but it is a portal ment specially for truth ,reality and I have done so.i had written what actually happened with me .not only this I have disscuss it with so many one and all had sad same as I sad. Se Read More...
what u r saying is applying on u mr Rahul singh.... i am proving it now. what u have done a blonder mistake... Both the Date and Time r same on submitting review's ie 'Feb-23-04 4:28 PM' and ' Feb-23-04 4:06 PM' r same it means its not a co-incident but its a like 'NALEK KE LEAEE BHE AKAL Read More...
what's a problem with u .i already told u that u r a student of ii pm and its moral duty that u speck always in favor of ii pm but its a my duty to stop others from getting into a fraud institue.and this site is specially made for this perpose.and i even don't know who is this reemaaaa .why r u feel Read More...
dear rahul & kunalism i think u have prove ur faithfulness toword iipm by favouring iipm as u r a student of iipm.my dear its ok if i am in place of urs then i also do the same but truth is always truth my purpose of commenting on this site is just to make aware of other student who r intrested Read More...
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