The Thing Whict Happend To all the student who appeared for IIPM.
below written is the cc of letter sent to director of iipm an insulting institute.)
Dr. M. K. Chaudhuri
Ref No:IIPM/PGP/2004-2006/SS/CHD-II/C-6186
With respect sir myself manish sharma from chandigard, sir I had appeared in ur written exam and GD & PI on dated 19-Jan-2004 at DAV collage chandigard.Before and after that exam I also had appeared in other reputed institute at New Delhi, Noida and Gurgaon not only this I am able to convert all of them not because that they need only students but there main motive is to select intelligent student.and I have prove my worth that intelligent are always intelligent.
Before appearing to ur test and gd my first preference is iipm, but after appearing I have decided what ever it may be the condition is, I will not join iipm because I have not bear so much insult that I have bear during iipm sending this mail to u , doesn’t mean that after reading ur requested to do some favour to me.because I am allready selected and received letter respectively.main motive of sending this main to u is that u must aware of the condition that under goes during my interview and take nessary steps in future that this does’nt happened also this is directly effect iipm reputation in the market.below is a summery of my interview day .
Written test:-I first gone through written test in which I have seen two types of questions ie english and math section .english is ok but math and that to +2 level math, so I have not touch that one .this is not happened to me only but also every one sitting there because in u r prospectus on page number 47 it is clearly written there that test is based on EQ(emotional quotient) but there is no such question.
GD:-Then I appeared for group discussion my topice is “should india justified on not sending troops to iraq?” through the entire gd I will not speak not even a single word not because I don’t have any knowledge on that but due to other problem like gd is always going in a round table so that everyone must seen face to face each other.but in your case it is just like sitting on a ledder one below other.this thing not happened not only to me but also three other student also.i have later talk with them out side they all said same excuse.
Insulting Interview:-The thing which is not expected had happened with me.when I entered the room a single person with 25-29 year is sitting .before I sit he sad “hurry up… tell me about ur self I have no time”no doubt I start telling about my self in background my mind is saying (“….manish have u paid half fee then the others or less because other had spent 20-25 minutes for interview and for me this fulish person had no time …..”)about myself I told about my academic background not the marks , then type of person I am.suddenly he intrupted me with saying “manish ur saying completely bullshut”in my mind I said f**k this type of person , he is not supposed to say like this and that to with anger.then he asked me with strange ur dad has 1.5 crore sales turn over (as I had written so in application form)I said “yes”, he said “ok” tell me five steel industry in india “for that I am able to tell only three “ and for rest I simply told “sir I don’t not”.he said “manish why after all ur dad is in business”I replied that “I have no interest in business , secondly I never go there”but this guy giving stree to “then what, then what, then what”.then he ask me “how many stats r there in india”I said “28”, then he said “its 28”after all this happened during my interview I was so confused then I said “it my be 27, but I am not sure”in reply he said”what r the thing which u r sure”in order to make him on right track I said “I am sure that I will get admission in iipm”he immiditaly filled with anger and said “I am sure that u r not going to get admission in this collage ok tell me why will select u”first he has no right to say in interview like this that u r not selected because in every interview the results r declared after the done .then I simply reply to why u select me”as I have done commerce at +2 level and IT at graduation level so up-to-date with the trend so that why u r going to select me.”but he is not at all ready to listen me and again again asking same question even not ready to listen my just like child demanding for something as a result I upset so much I have decided to reply any qustion then he asked me who is our vies president even on this childish question I said“I don’t know”he said ok u can go now.
After all this happen I come out and I said to every one “GOD SAVE U FROM IIPM”everyone start laughing and saying “we all know that iipm need money just money don’t worry dear friend we will not join at all we all r get trapped by there so impressive advertisements ”.after my interview I am so much filled with anger specially with the behavior of that person who has taken my interview I am unable to sleep on that night.
TODAY when I received ur letter about congrats every friend and every member of my family is saying that forget iimp its all “fraud”.there main aim is how to earn maximum through there degree course.even on that day every one was also saying same .
So tell me whats future after doing MBA from a institute which need only money and insult on the very first day of interview even before joining.
So how can I join Mr m . k chaudhuri “count ur(iipm) day’s of survival before it gona to be die……”and no body dare to think about insulting institute IIPM”.