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Madhya Pradesh
Member Since:Jan 20, 2018
640 MS Points
I am grown up in the city of Ratlam which is located in Madhya Pradesh. I completed my class 12th from ratlam only from morning star school. Now i am pursuing engineering from electrical branch from IES IPS academy indore.
About Me
Education: 12th pass and pursuing engineering
Food and Drinks: I like coffee espically cold coffee and I like spicy foodBooks: I like self help books Movie Stars: akshay kumar and salman khan are my favorite moviestars and in hollywood robert jr. downey and leonaMovies: Bajrangi bhaijan, Iron man, harry potter series, pirates of caribbean series, the wolf of the wall sT.V. Shows: Games of thrones, taarak mehta ka oolta chashma, bigg bossMusic: atif and arijit both are my favoriteQuotes: Do the best you can do and leave the rest on god don't worry about the results.
Food and Drinks: I like coffee espically cold coffee and I like spicy food
Books: I like self help books
Movie Stars: akshay kumar and salman khan are my favorite moviestars and in hollywood robert jr. downey and leona
Movies: Bajrangi bhaijan, Iron man, harry potter series, pirates of caribbean series, the wolf of the wall s
T.V. Shows: Games of thrones, taarak mehta ka oolta chashma, bigg boss
Music: atif and arijit both are my favorite
Quotes: Do the best you can do and leave the rest on god don't worry about the results.
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Graphics make it best racing game
Reviewed Asphalt 8
I am really addicted to this racing game as it runs really smoothly on my android device and I really feel sometimes that I am driving the car in real. With tRead more...
Amazon mobile shopping app
Reviewed Amazon
The app is good in layout and design, one can easily find his/her favorite products. If you scroll down you can find the products you have seen. The products Read more...
Good singing app
Reviewed Sing! Karaoke by Smule
Hello everyone I am mayank sharma. Today I am gonna review the sing! karaoke by smule app. The app is really good for singing purpose as you can easily find aRead more...
Most handsome singer in the world
Reviewed Zayn Malik
Zayn malik sings really well and he is the heartbeat of many girls just because of his handsome looks and awesome face cut. I still miss the one direction. ZaRead more...
Most beautiful actress
Reviewed Disha Patani
I think disha is the most beautiful actress of bollywood. She is so popular even after just doing a few movies. The reason of her popularity is simply just beRead more...
Youtube is best
Reviewed Youtube
The graph of progress of youtube has always gone up. Youtube adds new features everytime. This new feature of sharing the videos you like directly with the frRead more...
The picture quality gets degraded
Reviewed Candy Camera
The quality all the pictures I took through this app gets degraded I dont know why but this happens very often. All the filters are really good but therRead more...
Costs more for a small distance
Reviewed Jugnoo Autos
I had taken a ride back home from relatives home last night it costs me Rs. 264. It costs me more than normal fare due to surge on the fare so I had to pay moRead more...
Not good video player for Android
Reviewed MX Player
I have been using this mx player video player app since the day I buyed a android phone back in 2012. Its a really good video player app for android phones. WRead more...
Best app for talking in english
Reviewed Opentalk
I used this app for practising my english speaking skills. The concept of this app is that it connects you with a random person and you can talk with the persRead more...
Good app for selling products
Reviewed Olx
I have sold all of my old books on olx only and got a right price for them. Olx is a good app for selling old stuff. A lot of audience can sell your products Read more...
Best default browser
Reviewed Google Chrome
I use google chrome as my default browser either it be on my phone or pc I prefer google chrome over any other browser. In the Android phone you can even requRead more...
Mindblowing game
Reviewed Clash Royale
I am playing this game since it was first launched and loved it since that time. The whole concept of the game is way more interesting. The kind of events whiRead more...
Earnings are a bit slow
Reviewed NewsDog
I am using this app since last week I got referred to this app by one of my friends and I heard alot about this app that people make money on this app so I gaRead more...
Worst app ever
Reviewed StarMaker
I have tried this app but the experience is worst. When I tried to record a song their is too much disturbance in the recording even when their is no noise inRead more...
No surveys available after one survey
Reviewed Google Opinion Rewards
I got only Rs. 10 and I have done only one survey till now. I have installed this app a long time ago but didnt get any survey except the one I got in tRead more...
I just love this game
Reviewed Ludo King
This game made us to remember the days of childhood when we use to play this game everyday at home with friends or family. The concept of making such a game iRead more...
Useful app for money transaction
Reviewed Google Pay
My friend referred me this google tez app. Its really easy to send money from your account to anyones account in just a swipe you just have to enter theRead more...
Its really good
Reviewed Patanjali Aloe Vera Gel
I use it daily two times once in the morning after bath and at the night before sleeping. I have this problem of pimples on my face. The gel is easy to use juRead more...
Not good
Reviewed Flipkart
I think many of you experienced it I just ordered a watch to my address the product was shipped and was delievered to my city but they didnt even delievRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Testpg Test (@TestPGMouthShut Verified Member)
Sreenivasulu Vallamkonda (@nivas_inMouthShut Verified Member)
Reena Prasad (@reenapd10MouthShut Verified Member)
Ravi Agarwal (@rksathish94MouthShut Verified Member)