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Member Since:Feb 15, 2016
1009 MS Points
My name is mayur.
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Very informatic tv show
Reviewed Pawn Stars
Its really very informatic show on History TV 18. I watch it regularly. Very knowledgeable show. Its a shop in Las Vegas name is Gold and Silver Pawn Shop. I Read more...
Total waste of time
Reviewed Tere Bin Laden : Dead or Alive
I really very disappointed from this sequel. There is no necessary to make sequel if there is no good script. Its not that much great as my expectations as fiRead more...
Hats of Mr. Prakash Jha
Reviewed Jai Gangaajal
Very nice movie by Mr. Prakash Jha sir. Superb acting by Prakash Jha sir really I impressed by his acting in the movie. Nice acting by entire team of Jai GangRead more...
Really affordable products.
Reviewed Lancer Footwear
Really All footware of lancer is in affordable price. Nice sports shoes and in lightweight But comfort wise not that much good. Designs are nice. It is affordRead more...
Good Quality Product.
Reviewed Eureka Forbes Aquaguard Total Gold Nova Water Purifier
Good Quality Product it is. I have been used this product since last 8 years. No issues in product it work well. Water taste is good with little sweetness. BuRead more...
Useful App
Reviewed Dumpster
Dumpster is like a recycle bin in our mobile phone. They provide good application in smartphone. It is well designed app. If important data is deleted by us fRead more...
News and Updates
Reviewed Twitter
Twitter is best social networking site in the world. Here we can follow people who like you most and view their activity. Twitter where you can share your emoRead more...
Not so good
Reviewed Quikr
Not that much great than other. No quick response. And they dont check any quality of product. I had posted lot of ads but no response from any customer. TheiRead more...
Unexpectedly loveshhuda...
Reviewed LoveShhuda
Unexpectedly nice movie. No bored throughout the movie. Actually this movie could release on occasion of Valentines. I had very bored week of Valentine.Read more...
Best buying and selling site
Reviewed Olx
Olx.in is very good for selling and buying anything. I had bought and sell so many mobile phones from olx.in yes it is really great platform to sell the itemsRead more...
Nice ambience
Reviewed INOX - Bund Garden Road - Pune
Inox multiplex I like it much. They provide good services. Management is also good. I most like their cleanliness. They maintain screen theatre atmosphere cleRead more...
No doubt great Movie
Reviewed Airlift
This is first big budget movie in starting of 2016. This is one of the finest movie I have seen. Its based on a true incident. Last year I loved Baby and thisRead more...
Best musical movie kharach Katyar Kaljat Ghusli
Reviewed Katyar Kaljat Ghusali
It really enters into the heart. Its really an awesome movie. Hats off Subodh Bhave. Creation of movie is very nice apart from play. Everything is great abouRead more...
Good but costly
Reviewed City Pride - Kothrud - Pune
City Pride is nice theatre in pune city. They providing good service. Its standard cinema hall in pune. Their screen quality is very good clean screen. But itRead more...
Great in Online
Reviewed Paytm
This is really good online site. Paytm.com is one of the my favourite website for do online recharge on my mobile my dish tv. They provide many offers cashbacRead more...
Mouth watering website
Reviewed Zomato
Zomato.com is really lovable yummy website. Ya its really mouth watering website. If you want to find any nearby restaurants then this site is very helpful foRead more...
Premium look
Reviewed Apple iPhone 5S
I ordered this phone 3 months ago via amazon.com. delivery on time. Its my dream phone. They drop price of that phone and I immediately ordered. Nice premium Read more...
What a caaaaar
Reviewed Ford Fiesta Titanium+ Diesel
Fiest ford is our first sudan car. We have diesel version. Its really specious car. Power steering is also nice. Average is excellent on highway as well as inRead more...
Idea is idea
Reviewed Idea Mobile Operator
I have been used this operator since six years. Network coverage is everywhere in India. Internet speed is awesome 2g like 3g and 3g like 4g. Nice cellular caRead more...
Loving app
Reviewed Bookmyshow
I love this application. Bookmyshow.com really helps for showing you which movie show at what time and how many seats are available. They update shows quicklyRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Ya oneplus is one of the my favorite company thanks
Sourabh Lant (@sourabh9agrawalMouthShut Verified Member)
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Asha Poona (@ashajaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)
Manoj Pillai (@manojpillai4286MouthShut Verified Member)
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Parag Bawangade (@aditibawangade111MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ankur Saxena (@ankursaxena389MouthShut Verified Member)
Mukund Reddy (@WindsordevMouthShut Verified Member)
Sunil Narayan Chitte (@sunilchitteMouthShut Verified Member)
Ranjan Kaul (@caranjankaulMouthShut Verified Member)
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Manoj Shah (@manojsshahMouthShut Verified Member)
Sathish Sk (@sathishk1992MouthShut Verified Member)
Mukesh Patel (@MukeshSachinMouthShut Verified Member)
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Vikram Bhanot (@vikrambhanot61MouthShut Verified Member)
Riyaz Ansari (@riyazmo602MouthShut Verified Member)
Rajkumar Sunka (@rajkumarsunkaa88MouthShut Verified Member)
Shiva Shanker (@Reddy1647MouthShut Verified Member)
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Arvind Gupta (@Arvind1961MouthShut Verified Member)
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Pushpanjali Banerji (@AstroJudgeMouthShut Verified Member)
Ravi_Kapudia (@Ravi_KapudiaMouthShut Verified Member)
Pokkisha Posha (@pokkishabMouthShut Verified Member)