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Member Since:Sep 11, 2015
564 MS Points
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Duplicate Orange cream biscuits
Reviewed Parle Magix
This is a orange cream biscuits by parle which is completely worst biscuits. Its quality is very lower. Its taste is very bad. It has only sugar and orange flRead more...
Worst bike
Reviewed Bajaj Platina 100
This is the worst bike of bajaj. Its looking is not good. It is not comfortable. Its mileage is bad. It has very bad pickup. Its engine and material strongnesRead more...
Unuseful scooty
Reviewed TVS Scooty Pep+
This is a very low capacity scooty. I dont like this scooty because it has very low height and its capacity is not more. Its looking is also not good. Iits miRead more...
Unhealthy kurkure
Reviewed Kurkure Tamatar Hyderabadi
I want to inform you all that kurkure is a very well known snack brand but it is also very unhealthy product. It has good flavours of tomato, mint but it harmRead more...
Very nice cooler
Reviewed Symphony Window 51 Air Cooler
This is a very good and capable air cooler. It gives us very cool air. It is good in looking. It has atractive color. It has many features and air controler. Read more...
Royal bike
Reviewed Royal Enfield Classic Military
It is realy a royal bike. I like this bike very very much. Its looking is always royal and awesome. Everyone wants to ride this. Its engine is very powerful. Read more...
Very bad flavour
Reviewed Parle Kaccha Mango Bite
I dont like parle kachha mango bite because it has very bad flavoured taste. It is very much sour which harms our teeth. It has sugar and mango flavoured esseRead more...
Best fans by bajaj
Reviewed Bajaj Ceiling Fans
Bajaj fans are very good. Fans of bajaj have best quality. Bajaj fans give us very good cooling and its sound is very least. I have four bajaj fans in my houRead more...
Very good located dairy
Reviewed Shree Murlidhar - Satellite - Ahmedabad
It is a dairy where we can get multiple products like milk, butter milk, and all products made by milk, snacks, choclates etc. Its location is awesome. We canRead more...
Sporty eco sport
Reviewed Ford Ecosport
This is a very good sport looking suv by ford. Its height from land is good. Its steering is very comfortable and controllable. The comfort inside is very gooRead more...
Awesome phone by apple
Reviewed Apple iPhone 5S
Everyone knows that apple is a very big company and its I phone is awesome. I phone has a very good status itself. I phone 5s is a very good featured phone. IRead more...
Easy usable razer
Reviewed Philips AquaTouch AT620/14
Philips aqua touch is very easy usable razer for men. It is very good designed for shave for men. Its looking is atractive. I use this razer from last one yeaRead more...
Comfortable activa
Reviewed Honda Activa
It is the best two wheeler by honda. Very comfortable. It is suitable for all gents and ladies. Its seating is very comfortable. Its handling and control is vRead more...
Luxorious innova
Reviewed Toyota Innova
Innova is a very luxorious family car by toyota. It is very useful for both family purpose and tourism purpose. It has very good space inside. Its look is awRead more...
Awesome suv
Reviewed Ford Endeavour
It is an awesom suv of ford. Its looking is very very atractive. There is very good space inside this. Its tyres are very broad and easily controlable. The cRead more...
Very nice beauty parlour
Reviewed Well Grade Beauty Parlour - Ahmedabad
This is very good beauty parlour which gives us many different services. It provide all beauty services and beauty treatment. Its interior design is awesome. Read more...
Best medical college
Reviewed Geetanjali College of Physiotherapy - Udaipur
Geetanjali college is very big and best college for medical students. This college has very big premises. There is hospital with the medical college. Here we Read more...
Very good site
Reviewed Paytm
Pay Tm is very very good website. It makes our payment easy. We can do any type of recharge from this. It has a app for its use. I always use pay Tm app and wRead more...
Very funny and comedy movie
Reviewed Welcome
This is very funny and comedy film. The characters of this movie are awesome. Akshay kumar did very good acting. In this movie very good emotions, acting, comRead more...
Awesome look duster
Reviewed Renault Duster
It is very good looking and attractive suv of renault. Its look is sporty. There is very good space inside this. The seating is very comfortable and seats areRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on n33raj's review
I like it
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Commented on Naman764's review
Very nice car
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Commented on harilalr's review
Superb comfortable affordable
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Rated on anilmech41's review
Rated on Chenku's review
Commented on Chenku's review
It is very nice and quick
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Rated on caprateekagrawal11's review
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Elizabet KEZHEVA (@france7coolMouthShut Verified Member)
Nikhil Jaglan (@nikhiljaglan275MouthShut Verified Member)
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ankit sharma (@ankitjaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)
Ashu Tosh Kumar (@ASHUkr2063MouthShut Verified Member)
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ShaDaB Mobile Center (@akhtarniaxi99MouthShut Verified Member)
Shriya rastogi (@shriyajaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)
Reena Prasad (@reenapd10MouthShut Verified Member)
Shamil013 (@Shamil013MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 12