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Member Since:Sep 20, 2009
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For the members of City Limouzines (India) Ltd………
Reviewed City Limouzines
I Prasad Mhatre along with my friend Mr. Avinash Jagtap, have filed a petition for winding up of  City limouzine, and City Realcom respectively. The winding uRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on cgia2009's review
Hi, I Prasad Mhatre along with my friend Mr. Avinash Jagtap, have filed a petition for winding up of City limouzine, and City Realcom respectively. The winding up orders for City limouzine has already been given on 3-Dec-2010 the link to the judgement is http://bombayhighcourt.nic.in/data/or Read More...
Commented on vijaypatelghasiya's review
Good News for all city investors! It is known from an internal source of city limouzine, that masood's application for transit bail would be kept forward in the high court, there are 95% chances of getting it approved. It is also said, once that bail has been approved, he would be opening the office Read More...
Commented on maneajay's review
Dear Friends,Posting abuses on this site will not the purpose as we should not fight against each other but against one common enemyi.e.MASOOD. Many of you are trying to dig the past and malign my reputation just to score points in this fight. will that solve the problems. So stop making any kind of Read More...
Khetan-Why are u behind me don't you have any work. I don't even know you, i am going through a legal procedure. Whom are u calling a fraud? ME!. I give my mobile no to people and people come to visit me at my home and office. If i was a fraud i would not have given my mobile and address, the same w Read More...
Commented on rainaquaocean's review
You Know what Rainaquaocean, There is a proverb when an elephant walks, the dogs barks. So keep on barking like a dog. U BASTARD* U first go and gather some information and speak. Because u are an educated illiterate person. SO FUCK* OFF. And what you will thrash me, if u were a man u would come in Read More...
Hi rainaquaocean , This is prasad Mhatre, think before u call somebody by names, and who are u to call me goonda, u are a badwa of Manohar lohia. I am not opposing your rallies why are you talking bad about me, when u were removing rallies i was preparing to file calims in the court. Do you know the Read More...
Dear Pattlai, I do not want any money from any investors, because they already cheated by masood, I am only charging for the lawyer's fee. Not anything personal to me.
Hi, Masood had gone to the court saying that he had only Rs. 159 Crores, which was mentioned in the proxy form sent to investors, which know it is not true. The company had collected money from new investors till 15th of Septmber, which means they now have more than 3000 crores. I had spoken to M Read More...
Now people pls think, if masood can go to the court officialy and claim that he has only 159 crores, cant we go and claim our money from the court. We also need to show the court that we are more than 3,00,000 investors in whole of India. I would request people to kindly to see a lawyer and start fi Read More...
Rated on rainaquaocean's review
Khetan, This is Prasad Mhatre about whom u have mentioned in your review. This seems that u have woken from your sleep now, before writing such comments, have it verified and and write your dirty comments on this sites. WhBefore me and my group was supporting Masood because we believed and we truste Read More...
Rated on sindbad820's review
Commented on sindbad820's review
Mr. Sindbad, i would request you to kindly enquire first before putting something on this site. I am prasad mhatre, if u call me goon, i think u need to speak to me on 9821893172 to have further clarification from me. Secondly it was a meeting called by the investors and not the city group. All call Read More...
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