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Member Since:Apr 07, 2017
160 MS Points
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Master in its business, excellent in use..
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J7 Max
The J phones have been enjoying a killer key-selling feature, and thats Samsungs Super AMOLED screens. The Galaxy J7(2017) is no different; this tRead more...
Gladiators very amazing about ancient time wars..
Reviewed Gladiator
In this movie all actors play thier roles like they are in real life.In this movie all music effects are elegant and the performance of actors are extraordinaRead more...
Samsung galaxy a long lasting mobile ever........
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy S3
I am in love with smart phone because its full of features like GPS and 3G supported . I really like this phone its long lasting phone ihave ever seen.it has Read more...
Best in the world and best movie in the world....
Reviewed Ronaldo
I watched this movie, in this movie we only get only clips of ronaldos tours but its soo much excited because its based on ronaldos back ground anRead more...
O my God its so beautiful with sophisticated fact
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus
I used this phone and I really enjoyed this because it has too much best sound effects and other features like it allow us to use 3G and 4G and finger prints Read more...
Samsung gaxaly S5 is chic in look and style......
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy S5
I used this phone I appreciate samsung company for such type of phone because it has soo much beautiful look and it has weight like nothing.it has screen veryRead more...
Attractive ,with elegant look and smart phone....
Reviewed Apple iPhone 5S
I like this phone because its too much elegant in look and smart with less weight.it support 4G and also support finger prints.when I hold it I feel like I caRead more...
You just cant see this movie all alone...........
Reviewed The Conjuring 2
This movie is based on real story so you just cant see this all alone.in this movie all actor done their roles like reality.after I watched this movie, I feltRead more...
I just cant see this movie all alone its so fears
Reviewed The Conjuring
This movie is full of horror scenes and funs etc.this movie is based on true story and this movie is the copy of the real story in real and when I see this I Read more...
This is best movie i have ever seen, addictive.
Reviewed Captain America: Civil War
This movie is based on stunts and action and fun.its main characters are all best heroes like captain america, iron man, black widow, and other super heroes bRead more...
In my opinion samsung galaxy S4 is one of the bes
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy S4
Samsung galaxy s4 is too much good looking and really elegant smart phone. it has loli-pop version.it has very best, with great pixels camera and selective foRead more...
Best Series of movies full of craze and action.
Reviewed Avengers: Age of Ultron
This movie based on super heroes who always save thier planet from other aliens.this movie is full of actions and fights.Every scene contain much craze.this mRead more...
Really elegand and best book by Peter Murray
Reviewed Sachin Tendulkar Masterful - Peter Murray
This book is totally full of craza and stories about the little master.Peter Murray praises the little master and tell their readers, How sachin makes career Read more...
Beautiful, Durant, Flexible and really Smart
Reviewed LeEco Le 2
A bit uncomfortable for keeping in pocket, but elegant display covers up for that. A normal weighing device with gorilla glass on top and a metal back makes aRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Some one in this world say that foot ball is such a game but its not.its an emotion, it has feelings, it creat love between humans.Cristiano ronaldo is one of the best player in foot ball who makes the football more and more worthy, crazy for fans and loving.He devoted his life for football and now Read more...
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