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Member Since:Sep 20, 2014
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Review of the Day (9)
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EXTRAAAA Durable shoes...!
Reviewed Woodland
Is it running?, Playing?, Jogging?, or a pleasant walk? Here is something that gained my attention. There are only two companies red chief and woodland who mRead more...
The interview - hollywood movie
Reviewed The Interview
Reality or what? Every country in this world wants to know what is actually going on in North Korea. This country is under dictatorship, it hates the United Read more...
Foodoholics- this is heaven.... SHALIMAR DHABA
Reviewed Shalimar Dhaba - Bhiwandi - Thane
"Badia Khana hai khana toh Dhabe pe zaroor jana" This one is for those whose love rich& heavy non-veg food. It was my last examination and after that all friRead more...
Amazing for windows OS lovers...!
Reviewed Nokia Lumia 830
"Apple and Nokia are the only two companies that makes the best smart phones is what I believe". I desperately wait for these to brands to launch their produRead more...
Tab 2 (7.0), Tab or Phone?
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0
It is one of the few tablets that can be used as a phone i.e. they have a SIM slot. Features Dual core performance with voice call Rich Contents Video HubRead more...
Firefox.. the premium ride
Reviewed Firefox Bicycle
After joining my MBA I had no time for my physical exercises. So I decided to buy a bicycle. One of my friend suggested me to buy a firefox as he was using onRead more...
Gorai Beach - a worth visiting place
Reviewed Gorai Beach - Mumbai
Every individual looks for a quite and pleasant place to spent his/her weekend. Gorai Beach is situated away from Mumbais chaos. However, it is not muchRead more...
Nivea Refreshing Face wash
Reviewed Nivea Refreshing Face wash
The heat of the warming cities makes it compulsory for those who care about their skin to carry a face wash. I love travelling on my bike, the travel and the Read more...
Loop mobile network that got worse
Reviewed Loop Mobile Operator
I have used loop mobile for past five years since it was known as BPL mobile. I was a prepaid user. In the initial stage I was very happy for being a loop mobRead more...
Pulsar 180 the joy ride
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 180
I am a big fan of performance bikes. Pulsar 180 is more economical in n price as compared to other Japanese products like Fzs, Apache, etc, . Body Shape PulRead more...
I20 the coolest hatch back
Reviewed Hyundai i20 2012 Magna O 1.2
External body As every youngster I am a style and speed freak. It has a stylish look with different colour variants like white, black, blue, grey and red. ThRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on sidholy's review
Congrats for the ROTD..!
Commented on GRuchirG's review
Congrats for the ROTD..! Thanks I was about to go for this movie..!
Commented on own review
Appologies for the typing error i.e. bicycle*
Please do read my review on firefox bocycle. I hope you would like it.
Rated on neeraj1290's review
Rated on pratik420840's review
Rated on GEETA1963's review
I own a 180 and the above is my experience. You are just looking on secondary source which mostly is false!
Rated on chalojai's review
Rated on amiqu's review
Commented on iitm_vaibhav's review
Post this on twitter and mention the brand name i.e. Micromax. Then write another mail to the service center which has to be clear and write all the problems you have faced and cc it to the consumer forum. I hope this will sort out your problem.
Thank you so much. I would write about more travel places in and around Mumbai.
Rated on nitin90's review
Rated on chethu633's review
Commented on saju_easo's review
I suggest you to share this review on twitter.
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Akshay Gundecha (@akshaypgundechaMouthShut Verified Member)
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JAK WATSON (@jakwatson205MouthShut Verified Member)
Riya Tyagi (@royacri06MouthShut Verified Member)
Sreenivasulu Vallamkonda (@nivas_inMouthShut Verified Member)
Shamil013 (@Shamil013MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ravi Agarwal (@rksathish94MouthShut Verified Member)
Anulika Mishra (@anulikamishra1MouthShut Verified Member)