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Member Since:Aug 27, 2009
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Fraud Conwoman
Reviewed Dr. Rupa
The so called Dr. Rupa Kapadia having the website WWW.INTHE4THDIMENSION.COM is a big time fraud. She is no doctor. A conwoman claiming to be a Doctor. She jRead more...
Institute of Vedic Astrology, Indore
Reviewed Institute of Vedic Astrology-Indore
Institute of vedic astrology, IVA, Indore is a fraud organisation run by Ashish Patidar. He claims he is MBA etc etc but I think he is a looter. The modus opeRead more...
Reviewed Dr. L. H. Hiranandani Hospital - Powai - Mumbai
Counselling should not involve religion.......it should only involve psychotheraphs. spirituality, guidance and help and not anything related to religion. IfRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on sndaya's review
this is the most horrible gadget i purchased in my life i bought it from US and behind it says made in china it gives loads of problems and presently im unable to read it because screen looks quite faded
Commented on own review
ms. smita ur agent of mr. ashish patidar that fraud gave u how much money to write this comments How come you joined mouthshut to write one complaint only.....u think public here are crazy.. Divyajyot Astrology Service and Research Centre #16, Anand Bhuvan Tejpal Road Vile Parle E Read More...
Commented on iebritto's review
yes its a Advt put by the owner
Commented on ans_t's review
without details no person can come to any conclusion. can you specify reason
mr. manoj, please read some good books by good authors like BV Raman, Komilla Sutton etc to understand astrology. THere are some people who teach astrology for 6 months course charging a low fee like 300rupees a month. It will help you understand astrology. and astrology is very vast you will ha Read More...
Finally this matter was settled. My money was refunded and I am thankful to the CEO Mr. Sujit Chatterjee. They were not ready to accept the fact that anything was wrong on their part. I think everyone makes mistake and If Ms. Clements as realised that then she should be forgiven. She is Read More...
Followed JaveedAhmedM
Followed astrofreak1234
Commented on Student773's review
this comment is posted by that fraud owners assistant. so funny in desperation to clarify he typed single message thrice....
@JavedAhmed She did try to use the knowledge she gained and use it to help me....but unfortunately such type of knowledge should be restricted to church.
Religion divides. There should be only faith in God. Here the issue is not about Religion but the issue is about waste of time, waste of energy and waste of money. The counselling session was total wastage simply because it instilled fear in mind
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LifeCell International Pvt Ltd (@LifeCell_CSMouthShut Verified Member)
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