Counselling should not involve should only involve psychotheraphs. spirituality, guidance and help and not anything related to religion.
If people are providing religious counselling it can hurt sentiments of others. Namaste all of my fellow brothers and sisters of creation. I realize that you are on a spiritual path, and my words may be hard for you to fully realize their importance.
I know that it is the tendency for most of us, realizing that we are spirit animating animal form, to understand the evils of this world. For we are beings of light and love, living in harmony with all that is on many dimensions. Let me state, that in my opinion, we are all HERE and NOW for a reason, if not, we would not be HERE and NOW. It is the WHY that confuses us so.
I ground light into Gaia on a daily basis; it is my want and need to be helpful and efficient to assist the mother in her ascension, I also mend ley lines to this end. I patrol the astral, and pursue The Beast and the Hidden Hand, not to destroy (but I must admit, that is how I started out), but to defend the weak and protect the innocent; to bring them back to the light, their rightful place. The father calls us all home. I have taken a oath as a man of earth to the Creator to serve the greater good. So be it.
Let it be also known, in my opinion, that we all started from source, and that we are all great and magnificent spiritual beings, timeless and eternal: all equal under god; who does not want worship, only friendship and to be thankful for the blessing given to us. The blessing of free-will, and to create our own reality thru thought, feeling, and intent. The secret is that you all have within you what you desperately seek outside yourselves for. You already have it. It is your birthright if you are reading my words.
Then why you may ask, is the world full of war, evil, and selfish agendas? Because we let the few of those opposite polarities deceive and control us all, feed off of our creative energies to create misery and suffering. We allow it, either thru fear or ignorance. Please do not be put off by this statement, for unless you understand why, the truth will never set you free.
Let me also state, with the blessing of my Creator, who lives within me, that much energy has been invested into this dimension of existence, that in reality, all that seems solid and real around you is light, slowed to appear that way by the shared consciousness of all that dwell here. Enormous power. With great power, comes great responsibility. Let it also be known, that with that power invested here, all that you do here transcends into higher dimensions, affecting all that is.
I begrudge you not if you feel I am being untruthful in any way. It is your right. You have free-will, and it is not my place to judge. If you feel truth in my words, please give the following information your highest awareness and respect, step up to the plate, and make the world a better place thru divinity and self-responsibility. Accept your power HERE and NOW, and live without fear. It is your right to be here, and there is much to do before we ALL return home. From the deepest, most caring and loving of my being, my best to you and yours.
Much peace, light, and love.