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Member Since:Jan 21, 2011
4 MS Points
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Arnold of bikes
Reviewed Yezdi Roadking
The way yezdi starts is the most beautiful part of yezdi. I am great fan of yezdi the way it starts the way it ideal is unique this is the ideanty of yezdi. yRead more...
Zippy mouse
Reviewed Tata Nano
I bought my nano in Aug 2010. I was surprised with the amount of interior space nano generates and quality of interior (LX version) siting position soft clutcRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on manikdhir's review
shogan shadow is first and last fuel injected bike ,but never released.
Commented on taheemrajat's review
nano is not made for highway duties,it is small car with smaller wheels and dimensions,dont compare with big cars,it has only 624cc engine,buy nano if you want yo commute only in city where fuel economy and small dimension is boon
Commented on own review
this is my third review after 4 yrs and 20k of running,between 12000 and 20000kms of driving my nano regularly, not a single problem arise no brake down no tyre wear no battery issue no electrical problems, engine now become further silent and smooth ,gears are smooth and feel positive to engage mil Read More...
Commented on santoshreddy1993's review
mileage depends upon your driving style and maintenance of your vehicle,if your driving style is not proper and if you dont maintain your vehicle good mileage will fall down in any car. so dont blame innova for that.
Commented on infinets's review
yes visibility problem is genuine but drivers are use to it .it will take some time to accost em even toyota innove has thick A-pillar it is not Dangerous design flaw...i own tata nano lx 12000km not a single problem ,only problem is that driver take time to use to this design.
Commented on kabriskhalis's review
inside nano engine sound is almost nil while idling and crusing at 60km/hr.no issue at all.plastic quality better than maruti .built quality is best at this price .i think your review is time pass one,
Commented on hachokshi's review
wow hachokshi,but the thing is that nano is design only for city condition and not for highway,driving such a long journey put excessive stress on small engine and may fail some parts early in life.any way keep regular servicing and keep her single handed,i have nano lx 12000km ,not a single problem Read More...
Commented on e_mail_sandeep's review
agry that spare parts are not available easily.but that dosent mean product is bad,nano is small car and not to driven like suv,it is a small car and care should be taken like baby otherwise it will brake down as u mention also try to change service center or find good mechanic .i am having nano lx Read More...
Commented on Romitkumar5's review
plz elaborate problem in product,service related problems are even in bmw and audi,it dosent mean that product is faulty.i have nano lx too,no not a single problem even after 12000km, i am extremely satisfied with her.
where is the problem in nano
Commented on jugnu123's review
ambesador is icon of india . it all due to its looks and design no other car can match comfort of amba, it has classic individual looks dont blame it looks ,in 15 aug,26 jan even bmw pails in front of amba so dont blame it looks amba is british design indian beauty long life ambe.
Commented on sriviswa's review
it all the problem of dealer/service centre,loosing 70k under warrenty is strange,i suggest u to find good service centre for nano.i own the nano from past 8 month not a single problem car is very reliable and smooth
Commented on mrshaikhsohel1979's review
no problem in power windows,interrior is also good in lx trim, go for lx it will give u rich feel
go for lx
Commented on rajengineer's review
noise in nano is due to in sufficient silencer length
Commented on pankajshirke's review
i thinh u should wait for diesel/electric nano.but never less petrol version is good.my nano lx has very effective A/C and heater u plz write your comment on it at the same time front seat of nano is more comfy than many lexury cars so enjoy your nano.................happy motoring
Rated on san_farukh's review
Commented on S9844367994's review
i think increasing wheel size by 1 or 2 inch dont affect much on target cost especially on LX version.LOOKS ARE THE MAIN PROBLEM FOR NANO ESPECIALLY FOR YOUNG GENERATION. Larger wheel will give it much balance looks.
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anoop578 (@anoop578MouthShut Verified Member)
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Riya Tyagi (@royacri06MouthShut Verified Member)
Nirant Dekate (@noddy989MouthShut Verified Member)
Deepak Maan (@deepakmaanMouthShut Verified Member)
Sumit Rai (@sumitrai079MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 51
Nikhil Sharma (@Venkat_Chada346MouthShut Verified Member)
Sridhar Kakani (@usakakaniMouthShut Verified Member)