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Member Since:Jan 01, 2017
180 MS Points
I am working in BPO since 5 years. I have good experience in MS Excel
About Me
Education: BBA
Food and Drinks: Burger/ Pizza/ Macegg/Pasta/Gulab jamun etcBooks: Chetan bhagatsMovie Stars: Amitab Bachhan/ Shahid Kapoor/ Kapil Sharam/ NawazudinMovies: Vivah/3 idiots etcT.V. Shows: Comedy night with Kapil/ May I come in madam/ etcMusic: A R Rahman/ Arjit Singh/ Sunidhi Chauhan etcQuotes: No quotes until I get the sucess
Food and Drinks: Burger/ Pizza/ Macegg/Pasta/Gulab jamun etc
Books: Chetan bhagats
Movie Stars: Amitab Bachhan/ Shahid Kapoor/ Kapil Sharam/ Nawazudin
Movies: Vivah/3 idiots etc
T.V. Shows: Comedy night with Kapil/ May I come in madam/ etc
Music: A R Rahman/ Arjit Singh/ Sunidhi Chauhan etc
Quotes: No quotes until I get the sucess
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Environment is not good
Reviewed BIG Cinemas: Galaxy - Mansarovar - Jaipur
It has bad sound in the theatre and also air conditioner is not maintained. They charge a lot for pop corn and cold drink which is too much. In every theatre Read more...
I loved this phone
Reviewed Xiaomi Mi A2 64GB
I have bought MI A2 in sept'18. I am using this phone since more than 3 months. It has superb camera quality with portrait mode as well which I love the mRead more...
Motorola Moto G4 play, its good to use
Reviewed Motorola Moto G4 Play
Hi guys, One of my colleagues is using this phone, he doest get any problem as it has good sound quality. It has 2 GB RAM and 16 GB intenal memory alsRead more...
MOTO G4 Plus is awesome
Reviewed Motorola Moto G4 Plus
One of my friends bought this phone which is very good product. It is very easy to use with great features and light weight with good battery back up. It haRead more...
One of best Indian Shopping Site ever
Reviewed Myntra
Myntra shopping site is the best site that enables you to get your fashion style online. The brand variety and range is so good that sometimes I dont eRead more...
I don't have to pay for internet after getting JI
Reviewed Reliance Jio
I am using JIO sim since September and this is best service ever in internet world in India. I dont face any problem while using YouTube or any other suRead more...
My dream company Infosys
Reviewed Infosys
Infosys was my dream company before joining. When I was in collage I used to think about this company to work in. However I got my job in Infosys. It has greaRead more...
I love to being a part of This company
Reviewed MetLife Global Operations Support Center Pvt Ltd
I am working in this company since August 2015. I am so happy to be of part of this company as this is growing company in India. I am getting good salary as wRead more...
Lenovo is Good in Laptops
Reviewed Lenovo Ideapad 100
I have bought this device 6 months ago worth rupees 26500/- from the laptop from Lenovo store. And this is a very good product as I am using this since AugustRead more...
Best Phone in this range
Reviewed Yu Yureka
Well I have bought this phone a year ago and it is good to using this phone. I am not getting any problem by using this phone and sound quality is good/ bothRead more...
One of the best movies i have ever seen of Amir
Reviewed Dangal (1977)
This is one of the best movies I have ever seen in this year 2016. Movie was interesting till the end and actresses who did childhood act of Geeta and BabitaRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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