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Member Since:Dec 14, 2008
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Very good Commuter
Reviewed Suzuki GS150R
The late(est) offering of Suzuki in the 150CC segment is Suzuki GS150R which suzuki claims to be and is a commuter bike. This bike looks quite muscular and sRead more...
My Observations
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
This is my very first review. I am a proud owner of the unicorn. I would like to share my experiences before and after buying the unicorn. I will not get intoRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on gr.rath's review
Commented on gr.rath's review
Hey buddy, I do not agree with few of your points. 'The smoothness of the bike is really awesome,but only wen speed <70...at 70 it hints some vibrations'. I agree that Unicorn sound changes after 70 but there are not even minimal vibrations even at the speed of 100+. The reason why u r getting Read More...
Rated on vinayakjiman701's review
Commented on vinayakjiman701's review
Ah!! Buddy, I understand ur frustation. Got carried away by the pulsar hype initially and now u people are feeling insecured. Don't feel insecure. Everyone commits mistake. Learn from it and promise urself not to be bowled out by such stupid ads in the future and always think before u buy any produc Read More...
Commented on own review
@IIyasmd I agree with ur points. I have already mentioned in my review that the bike has got excellent build and paint quality. The only reason I gave 3 stars for reliability is coz the bike has to be proven on a long run as Honda Unicorn has been proved. We can only comment on the durability and Read More...
Commented on drmajit29's review
Nice review. The gear shifting will become more smoother after 2nd or 3rd service. Have pleasure riding the bike. Unicorn is really an engineering marvel.
Rated on drmajit29's review
Thanks Dr.Amit, Praneshvittal and maddy1. Unicorn is really a pleasure to ride known by those who own it. Congrats pranesh for your Unicorn. Have pleasure riding it.
Commented on Nikhilmoorthy's review
A very good and detail review . Keep it up. I agree the bike has got excellent cornering and handling ability. While driving you feel that its a part of your body.
Rated on Nikhilmoorthy's review
Thank you for reading and rating the review guys. I am glad that my experience and observations are helpful to others. Rahul, I agree with racer. This may be due to badly tuned engine. I recommend you to service the bike at authorized service centre as nowadays Honda service guys have become ver Read More...
Commented on vishnu_1989's review
Hi, vishnu. I agree that CBZ extreme ATFT looks good and is also a good a bike as it has the same engine of Honda Unicorn tuned for better performance. I recommend you to check the Grand Prix edition of Honda Unicorn (blue colour) which has got the outstanding looks and is much more smoother and has Read More...
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