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Member Since:Feb 24, 2009
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The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on vaibhav.halcyon's review
Useful review. This bike does have vibrations above 60kmph. But for the city ride under 60kmph this is an excellent bike. Do write more experiences with the bike.
Rated on vaibhav.halcyon's review
Rated on Raj.R's review
Rated on muraliee's review
Commented on vayalam's review
A useful review. Keep writing. Welcome to GS family. My GS has clocked more than 14000 kms till date. Ofcourse Gs150r is a very good bike but with few cons like mileage drops to 45 after an year, chain getting loose frequently, some noise from engine after long rides and even though the bike is quit Read More...
Rated on vayalam's review
Commented on Puma_San's review
A very good review on Honda and its Unicorn. I own first generation unicorn and till date it performs as good as a new one. Just one thing, unicorn does'nt vibrate even at 100kmpr. Maybe there is a problem with ideal rpm setting.
Rated on Puma_San's review
Rated on TapanZaveri's review
Commented on TapanZaveri's review
I do not agree with u on 'awesome pickup'. Its not bad but not too great.
Rated on ravigadad54055's review
Commented on SachinPh's review
Hey buddy, have some patience. I too had the problem of chain getting loosened and infact it is still there even after 7000kms but much lesser. It will improve after few services. And the gears will become smoother too. This bike is not as smooth as unicorn but better than other bikes. Initial picku Read More...
Rated on SachinPh's review
Commented on spondit's review
Buddy, Unicorn is much better than Hunk and CBZ Extreme when comes to handling, stability, comfort, mileage and smoothness. It handles much better with a pillion rider. Those who own knows it. Anyways, hunk is also a good bike apart from gears issue and mileage.
Rated on spondit's review
Commented on amaljose4u's review
Good review mate. Infact this is the only 125CC bike to remain smooth and vibe free at higher speeds.
Rated on amaljose4u's review
Commented on wizard.hims's review
Good review buddy. Do update after second service. This is the most comfortable bike in the 150CC segment. But do not cross 60Kmphr till 500kms and don't be harsh on the throttle. I too own this bike and has clocked 7000 kms till date. This is the second smoothest bike just behind Unicorn.
Rated on wizard.hims's review
Commented on spuranik's review
RX 100 is infact the best when it comes to performance.
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