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Member Since:May 27, 2002
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About Me
Education: 2 years of college completed
Food and Drinks: Thai Food, sweet chai teaBooks: The new birth order by Dr. Leman, Jk Rowlings Harry potter the series, Any type of writing book,Movie Stars: Selena Gomez, Tyler Perry, Liv Tyler, Sandra Bullock, Hugh GrantMovies: Little Women, Daddy's Little Girls, 28 daysT.V. Shows: Dr. G, nanny 911, the locator, Birthday,Music: Anything and Everything
Food and Drinks: Thai Food, sweet chai tea
Books: The new birth order by Dr. Leman, Jk Rowlings Harry potter the series, Any type of writing book,
Movie Stars: Selena Gomez, Tyler Perry, Liv Tyler, Sandra Bullock, Hugh Grant
Movies: Little Women, Daddy's Little Girls, 28 days
T.V. Shows: Dr. G, nanny 911, the locator, Birthday,
Music: Anything and Everything
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What PeriVentricular Leukomalacia is and info.
Reviewed Dealing with Severe Illness
I am writing this to allow people to know more about diseases and syndromes that children can get at birth. One of my friends gave me this idea when her son eRead more...
GBS and what is it?
Reviewed Knowing More About Diseases / Illness
Gbs and what does this mean? what is Gbs or Group b strep it is an organism that lives on another without harming it. what can this do to you. well nothing Read more...
Young Harry Potter
Reviewed Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone - J K Rowling
As soon as I watched the movie I just had to go out and by the books to Harry Potter. As well as I did some research on JK Rowlings. First the story of HarryRead more...
The Book Of Louis
Reviewed Interview With The Vampire - Anne Rice
This Book was written to talk about A young man named Louis. If you have read the Vampire Chronicles at all you would know that Anne Rice has made her storiesRead more...
Babies and children's Health
Reviewed Knowing About your Child's Health
I believe with every child there parents need to make sure they know exactly whats going on. Like I can tell when my daughter is getting sick. And since she wRead more...
Dealing with Fibromyalgia
Reviewed Dealing with Fybromyalgia
I am 22 and this is pretty young to be diagnosed with Fibro. In the past months I have found out that this disease of pain is also related to other factors, ORead more...
Theatre,Drama Vs Movies
Reviewed Theatre, Drama Vs. Movies
I would have to chose theatre and drama is much better then a movie. Ofcourse a movie you can go most anywhere to find or see something but for a theatre or dRead more...
Lipton Decaffinated Tea
Reviewed Lipton Decaffeinated Tea
If you want a good tea dont go with lipton it is one of the worst out there! If you think it is the best you havent tried most teas. If you see a new tea out Read more...
Choosing an Antivirus Software
Reviewed Choosing an AntiVirus Software
I must say for an opinion about antivirus! This one topic is the most worried some about me! And My families computers are like babies to us and we need to fiRead more...
Building a Website
Reviewed Building a Website
At the internet age we are in now. We all want and feel we need to have a page. But what I have learned to beable to build a website you need to know about coRead more...
Do you need a Notebook?
Reviewed Do You Need a Notebook
Well the main people who have laptops are those with good jobs and are normally business people but truthfully I dont believe that you need a laptop. But mostRead more...
Expensive but still one of the best
Reviewed Apple Bee's - Old Mahabalipuram Road - Chennai
There service excellent there food wonderful! but very expensive! you know where most people who are looking to go when on vacation or who has the money to goRead more...
Yuck Mc Donalds
Reviewed McDonald's - Vasant Vihar - Delhi NCR
Sorry to say but mcdonalds is a waste of time! there food is usually soggy and they need to take a class on what customer services! A class by its self yes foRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on muffin's review
Commented on smarty's review
Its not the facts of you getting a visa in the United States Its the Fact That we are already to populated. Speaking From an Americans point of view. We have other things to look at as well as with this 9-11 issue. We have been so tight on security that it is hard for anyone from the following count Read More...
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Rated on asif's review
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Rated on jungleboy's review
Commented on own review
I would have paragraphed it but it says that you are only aloud so many characters and if i didnt do it this way i wouldnt have got to right a good review. Crystal
Followed kalla_bhasker , chekmate
I dont mind at all i would rather you use the info then not use it. this is very important to me that other babies are being saved from it. I wish i knew more about it when i was pregnant then finding out after the fact that my daughter got it. and was in the hospital for a month trying to recover f Read More...
Commented on kahfess's review
Barney isnt the worst but its not the best for children... Though my daughter does have one, not by my choice. But it has to be better then Teletubbies that is for sure. Great Writing!
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