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Member Since:Jun 07, 2017
240 MS Points
I am a person never imitates other
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Lennovo IdeaPad S540
Reviewed Lenovo Ideapad S540 Core i5 10th Gen S540-13IML Laptop
Its been 9 months for me using this laptop runs good hangs sometime , sound is ok, battery backup is bad only lasts for 1: 30 to 1: 45 hrs , big games runs smRead more...
Gully boy
Reviewed Gully Boy
I had watched this three weeks ago this movie is about a talented boy with less means how he struggled to become a rapper his father didnt supported him facinRead more...
Oldest restaurant of burari
Reviewed Hari Sweet - Burari - Delhi NCR
Hari sweets was the first restaurnt in burari loclity abouttwenty five years old it gives very good services and products it offers sweets and fast food food Read more...
All adequate facilities available
Reviewed Sahaja Yoga - Bangali Colony - Delhi
Sahaja yoga classes is situated in bengali colony just after. Crossingsant nagar well it is not can be called full fledged gym but it is the place where both Read more...
Very good
Reviewed Boroline Antiseptic Face Cream
I really think that cream is worthful in our family it is been used from past ten years and since that time nothing has been changed nor its logo nor its qualRead more...
Very bad
Reviewed Amazon
Well people say its a good website for online shopping but I dont feel beacause I have ordered one plus smartphone worth rupees twenty nine thousand they promRead more...
Good school
Reviewed Sant Nirankari Public School - GTB Nagar - Delhi
I am studying in this school since twelve years well its an aided school funded by nirankari baba fees comparitively to other private schools is low I am in cRead more...
So bad
Reviewed HP G Series HP 450 G2 T1A08PA Notebook
So guys my friend bought this laptop  three weeks before he purchased it for rupees forty thousand  and five hundred seventy four  its screen is as blurred asRead more...
Reviewed Mouthshut
I downloaded this app five months before there are various apps on playstore to earn money but they are fake and waste of time but by this app you can earn moRead more...
Reviewed Lenovo F308 1 TB USB 3.0 Hard Drive
Lenovo always comes up with amazing and affordable product but this external hard  disk is among the worst products of lenovo I ever puchased I got nine hundrRead more...
Not worthy
Reviewed Lenovo E Series E4180 Notebook
If you are buying this laptop then it is completely waste of money according to my perception first of I am a game lover guy I wanted to run gta five but I waRead more...
Good lappie
Reviewed Lenovo Legion Y720 Laptop
This laptop has a huge price but its worth for it it has nvidia graphics one can play games which requires graphics above than 1 gigabytes and it is best choiRead more...
Best school
Reviewed Modern School - Barakhamba Road - New Delhi
This school is situated at barakhamba road. It has branches one is at khan market and ome is at barakhamba many famous personalities has passed out from this Read more...
Reviewed Motorola Moto G (3rd Generation)
I bought it for my mom motorola g3  one year back  it is working smoothly The thing what I like about motorola phones is that they have very good camera and iRead more...
Mind blowing
Reviewed HP Pavillion 15-AU123CL Notebook
Hey I am class 12 student I bought this  laptop on 2016 diwali I would insist that everyone one should buy electronics on diwali or holi because at these tImeRead more...
Reviewed Motorola Moto G5 Plus 32GB
I am a motorola user I previously had moto e2 then I buyed moto g 5. Two weeks ago it is amazing and giving competition to other smartphones in the market my Read more...
Reviewed Lenovo G50-80 Notebook
I am sharing my experierence with lenovo notebook I bought it for 49000 firstly its look impressed me when I opened its packaging then from that day I am usinRead more...
Reviewed Darvesh Corner - Kamla Nagar - Delhi NCR
Darvesh restaurnt is famous restaurant two weeks ago I went to kamla nagar for shopping then I also went to darvesh restaurant in afternoon it has very customRead more...
Great academy
Reviewed Brilliant Tutorials - Delhi
I joined it two years ago dehi is flooded with coaching centres it is confusing to choose one of my friend recommended me to join it I went and liked way of tRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on paulavinash45's review
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