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Member Since:Aug 04, 2017
160 MS Points
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Super bass but painful
Reviewed Sony MDR-XB450 On-Ear Headphones
This particular product need compromises. The sound quality and the bass sound is great but the sponge on the ear is not so smooth enough. The wire quality isRead more...
Why are you so slow :(
Reviewed Toshiba Canvio Alumy 2 TB Wired External Hard Disk Drive
Straight to the point, it looks good like any other hard disk; worked fine for the first three days and then started to slow down. Its read speed is decent, wRead more...
Looks good, performs bad
Reviewed Zakk U8 Smartwatch
This is one such smart watch which looks decent but still a huge disappointment when it comes to performance. It is totally outdated. The screen is a major baRead more...
Worth the price
Reviewed Nikon D3200 DSLR Camera
I bought this camera 3 years ago and it still functions the same. The picture clarity 24mp gives a great output. ISO can go upto 6400 with very less noise whiRead more...
Lightning Speed !!!
Reviewed OnePlus 5 128GB
The dash charger charges your phone within no time. Good for users who put their phone on charge early in the morning. Also, its a poor mans IphonRead more...
Reviewed Amazon
Amazing online store! one can find almost all the things that they want. the delivery services are fast and prompt and on time. my favorite online store to buRead more...
Not worth
Reviewed Canon PowerShot ELPH 350 HS
I bought this with such excitement and got totally disappointed after getting it. The design is good and the portability is good. Fits easily inti any ones haRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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