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Member Since:Jul 15, 2012
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Genius ;) :P
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Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on wondergurl's review
Access is tall? What the heck?! Try on Activa and Aviator, you'll realize what 'tall' is.
Commented on closeguy05's review
One question I have is, how is acceleration beyond 40kmph? I rode Activa and felt it goes to 40kmph pretty nicely but struggles to touch 60, didn't check beyond that. What's the case with Access 125?
Rated on imkamina's review
Commented on imkamina's review
Try to write a 'review' next time.
Rated on hari1035's review
Commented on hari1035's review
I won't consider this to be a review for two simple reasons: Not in English, Too short.
Rated on bkchakravorty's review
Commented on bkchakravorty's review
Was this a review? For your information, review should be as detailed as possible. Place that in comments if you don't want to share actual review.
Commented on Prerak05's review
Go to a consumer court and sue them. :) Also, maybe he isn't understanding what you say because you didn't use english. 'I was agreed ' seriously?
Commented on rahuljainjp's review
Oh come on, my English isn’t THAT difficult to understand! You say you tried from 28mbps connection, and it was slow. So how slow was it?! I’m just asking for actual numerical data. Words like ’slow’ and ’fast’ are relative, and useless unless backed with actual data. I repeat, you mention Read More...
And for your information, you were not on 1MBPS speed, it must be 1mbps. AFAIK, no Indian ISP advertises their speed in bytes per seconds but bits per second. :)
Obviously it depends on user's internet connection too, but you mentioned website was slow, in your review. Why don't you elaborate that?!
Can you be more specific and provide actual details like what speed you used to get, what you get now, how much speed you were promised etc?
Rated on tryallhere's review
Commented on tryallhere's review
I don't think you should give a negative rating to someone when you cannot use proper grammar. Besides this, 1 Star rating already means poor, negative ratings will just be stupid in reviews. No one rates -2 on a scale of 1 to 5. Agreed, you will say make scale from -5 to 5, but that will be equival Read More...
Commented on raman_malik28's review
Who uses a cruiser for 'rough use' anyways? I have an Avenger from 8 years, and sure it has gone through many battery troubles-but nothing else! Its a cruiser bike and is never meant for speeding or performance, its supposed to deliver the sense of maturity and comfort. It can touch 70kmph easily Read More...
Rated on raman_malik28's review
Commented on murli_sagar's review
You really need to work on your English. Also, your profile image shows you as a girl, while you said in review ''me & my wife''. What exactly are you?
Rated on ars2011's review
Commented on ars2011's review
This isn't your review.. You copied it from http://www.zigwheels.com/newbikes/Honda/Aviator . Its plagiarism you fool!
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