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Member Since:Mar 31, 2017
120 MS Points
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Do not buy it ever in life
Reviewed Goldflake Lights
Ciggerates are the most harmful thing ever. It causes many type of the harmful diseases such as lung cancer and also itching in the throats. Its packets are nRead more...
Tasteless biscuit
Reviewed Patanjali Marie Biscuits
When I went to the market, shopkeeper suggests me to buy Patanjali Marie biscuits then buy it at 10 rupees. It is first time I am buying any patanjali biscuitRead more...
Best time pass event
Reviewed Doodle Army 2 : Mini Militia
Mini militia is the game that is so much in the trend. Everyone liked it due to its unique concept.This game can be played in to the any android phone not anyRead more...
Affordable best Mobile phone
Reviewed Samsung Galaxy J2 - 6 (2016 Edition)
I also used samsung galaxy j2-6 when it is newly released in the marker. Its my first smartphone I liked it so much . I liked hearing music and I am so happy Read more...
Bad Airter in digital TV
Reviewed Airtel Digital TV
Airtel is big company of the india in the networking field but in the field of the digital TV it is not good. Its picture & Sound Quality is little bit of theRead more...
Mast BMW Car
Reviewed BMW X1
In this car there is lots of space inside which makes it more comfortable large families.But its looks is not good . It is not so much attractive, its large bRead more...
Germ Cleaner
Reviewed Dettol Soap
I think most of the peoples like to use dettol because of its anti-septic and anti-germs property.It is also use for cleaning any cut or bite of the insects. Read more...
Hits of the Raees
Reviewed Raees Songs
All knows that the Raees is one of the best movie.I heard all of its song .But my favorite song is zaalima which is sung by Arijit Singh and udi - udi jaye . Read more...
Most Creative Company's product Apple MacBook Pro
Reviewed Apple MacBook Pro
All over the world everyone know that Apple is so much creative and advanced company. Apple MacBook Pro gives so much in built services that makes it easier tRead more...
Smoothy Dairy Milk Silk
Reviewed Cadbury Dairy Milk Silk
Cadbury dairy milk is very delicious in taste . Its smoothy and creamy texture makes it very awesome in the taste . It has balanced sugar content .It is very Read more...
HP laptop booom in market
Reviewed HP 15 af114AU Notebook
It look is simple and little bit of attractive that makes it the choice of every youth .Its battery have average durability.Its rate in the market is also affRead more...
Honda Unicorn Coool View
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
First of all I like its look it is simple and attractive.It is looking like a sports bike. Its engine generates awesome power that makes bike a rider delightRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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Anmol Mathus (@anmolmehta07510751MouthShut Verified Member)
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