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Member Since:Sep 21, 2010
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Pls help me guys!!!!
Reviewed Yamaha Gladiator SS
I have planned to buy a bike I am actually a new rider. I have to choose between yamaha ss125, tvs star city 110, Tvs flame sr125, honda shine and HH glamour Read more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on kriss_stunned's review
Dear all!!! Instead of going for stunner my option would b yamaha ss125..... The fact is tat it is cheaper than stunner and will give u a world class quality!!!
Commented on ylp.sas's review
Is der any problems like overheating of engine????? My frind gets dis problem whn he continously drive for half an hour at the speed of 60..... He enquired in service centres too... they said its a commuter bike and cannot b taken for long rides.... but half an hour journey isnt a long ride.... also Read More...
Commented on hrkrshn's review
@hrkrshn: Stop blaming all tamilians.... Even we prefer yamaha!!! We dnt go simply behind hero honda lol!!! U cant deny tat hero honda is the best seller and dey r the largest brand in india.... Do u think local quality can achieve dis.... I completely agree tat bajaj produces local quality bikes... Read More...
No i am not getting any sought of sound like tat..... But frm ur list i can say ss125 or slingshot..... Because in herohonda the only advantage is mileage.... Especially when u take the case of super splendor it has a very bad pick up.... Also my frind's HHSS gives only 55kmpl which is less than sli Read More...
Yes both r new born babies but i own a slingshot... So from my experience with slingshot and gladiator ss( Not ss125 ) i cant say slingshot out performs it..... But i am nt sure about ss125... but a friend of mine who owns ss125 complains about the poor mileage ( around 45 ) and other problems like Read More...
As i said stylewise slingshot looks gud fr those who luv Yamaha Fz but wants the same style at affordable price... Regarding Cowl i dnt understand wats the use of it..... and for ur reference slingshot is purposely made with fatter tyres fr the sake of handling..... also drum brakes firmly suits thi Read More...
I would say my slingshot is better than ss125... Gr8 mileage around 60kmpl without any service and i would go up after the first service..... Also slingshot can beat many of its competitors including ss125 in top speed....... But only thing tat makes slingshot lag behind is its look and the drum bra Read More...
Commented on own review
Thnx fr the advice.... I weigh only 58kg.. will i b able to handle it???
Commented on Varzeon's review
Bajaj sucks whn it comes to quality..... After 3 years ur bike may go part by part...... engine produces harsh vibrations.... But yamaha rocks.... Believe r nt my frind owns yamaha gladiator fr 9 and 1/2 years and still no such problems.... I am about to buy yamaha YBR 110 just fr its brand and chea Read More...
Oops its suppose to b ss125 and nt gladiator... i ll change tat....
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