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Member Since:Apr 21, 2011
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Good service comparing to others
Reviewed Standard Services
Want to tell some thing about these types of  services. Agency means it is absolutely recruiting a known candidate to a  new customer. There are plenty of cusRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
This review is very usefull to decide.
Commented on mom_laha's review
since service had been provided to her. She is trying to bluff others.
Commented on vandanap's review
These are the service utilized customers.
Rated on mom_laha's review
It doesn't make any difference with other customers.
Rated on retired's review
Commented on retired's review
This is not related to standard services. This gentle men was cheated by highland farms.
Commented on raksy2k's review
She is mentioning us us as fraud and cheaters. We had refunded her payment on time. After getting the refund she is writing like this means she is a lire. She is asking our candidate to work for 24 hours, which is not possible by anyone. She had used the word bastd. because she is that kind of perso Read More...
Rated on raksy2k's review
After getting the refund she is writing like this. For these type of ladies we can not able to provide service at any cost.
Commented on rishi231's review
Not useful to me at any cost.
Rated on rishi231's review
Madam instead of contacting shajetha, bhavani and nixon who will be in the outstation you can contact others who are in the office. In standard services you can convey your requirement to some body also. In standard 10 peoples are working in the office itself. Not like other agency.
Rated on vandanap's review
She itself agreeing that they will give the replacement not like other agencies. Appreciating her valuable certificate.
Rated on shilpa_bangalore's review
Commented on shilpa_bangalore's review
We don't know why shilpa is angry with standard services. Standard service people they are providing the service properly. Everybody has to think without providing service to all the customer who will leave them. In some causes like shilpa and praunik the company itself can not able to provide the Read More...
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