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Member Since:Jun 04, 2010
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Worth for the money
Reviewed Honda CB Unicorn Dazzler
Bike is little short and 8 kgs less than unicorn and very light. Worth for the extra money of 4K paid than CB Unicorn for Dual tubeless tyres, Dual disc brakeRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
One more good feature missed out by antony was tubeless tyres front and rear . and excellent road grip in the bike ..
HI Antony, Digital speedo has never been an option in any of the honda bikes. This is the first time honda has come up with digital , honda lovers always had this bother which was fullfilled in Dazzler. Parking lights - Absolutely i found no use in it. its hardly a fancy option given as an at Read More...
Commented on amit1261's review
@Chinmay - THis is engine's RPM. when your engine starts , it ll be in 1 X1000 rpm . So its engine's RPM and not Your Wheels RPM. SO nothing to worry. If you want to confirm this, give some throttle you can see your RPM beeps up as your engine Roars.
Commented on chetsworld's review
May be the first service can make the difference for you.
@chinmay , I found this seating position problem . Seat is lill hard and not fit for long drive. Even my B.u.t.t has a bad pain when i had drove 45 kms continously. :P . @Chets world- - Even i dint find any heat related problem . in fact engine is lot more cooler than any other bikes ....
Rated on amit1261's review
@pskarthik - I also took in dream honda. :) . Dream honda service is really good .
@ Amit - Hi Dude, you should know first the difference between a commuters bike and a nude sporty racing bike. All elders and old people go for CB unicorn. If you are a looking for a sporty bike go for it. Definitely Dazzler is worth for money and i am enjoying the ride being 6 feet 2 inches tall :) Read More...
@ manohar , i have bought the bike almost a week back chk this out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=im5fQB2W2d8&feature=channel . honda roxzz in performance
@ manohar - I have bought the bike almost a week back Chk this out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=im5fQB2W2d8&feature=channel if you are not satisfied. Performance honda is the best
Hi Guys My bike has arrived finally, I got a silver one, the colours are not exactly as it appears in the site, live colours differs a lot and are looking more good than what we see in the internet. Pick-Up is awesome, looks are sexy. Awesome and eye catchy digital Console (Speedometer) and analog T Read More...
Commented on sathyanarayanan89's review
Pillion rider position is good and not as bad as you think in dazzler.
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