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Member Since:Feb 19, 2012
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Immoral Behavior By Olx
Reviewed Olx
Recently OLX has applied the limits on the AD. There are some limited ads for each category. Olx team reached out to me several times if need to buy moRead more...
I recommend
Reviewed Homeshop18
I have been purchasing from homeshop18 for quite some time now. Or say ever since this site was launched. Homeshop services  are good. 3ice I have received fRead more...
Great. I recommand
Reviewed Yebhi
I cant comment on support as there service was so excellent that I never needed support. On time, good variety of products to choose from, aptly priced,Read more...
Truth about eBay guarantee.
Reviewed Ebay
I purchased a Mee Mee pram from eBay on 30 Jan 2012. The seller was bayofbay. The pram was not up to my expectations hence I contacted seller as well as eBay Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed yashika38
Commented on sathyaprabhu69's review
I have a different personal experience.
Rated on sathyaprabhu69's review
Commented on ashwathy2010's review
Well if you see mouth shut as a whole. Only people with bad exp give reviews. To let out their frustration. People have complained about, student was asked to sit on the floor or not paid attention or whatever. I think this is a good school of mediocre down to earth people who what their kids to lea Read More...
Rated on ashwathy2010's review
Rated on rveluru's review
Rated on patelrv's review
Rated on lean1235's review
Commented on tellme2005's review
Fussy parent have given this review. Even we have studies with a class of 50-55 students. Little punishments are to be there. handing so many kids is not easy. I don't endorse hitting a child but keeling down sitting on the floor is fine. At times it's needed. We don't want our kids to be so sissy.
Rated on tellme2005's review
Rated on jyothsna449's review
Rated on worriedparent's review
Commented on suresh985's review
It was 20 years back. When I was at school. Even I have paid small contributions for various school cultural activities. So it is. Whats so bad about it?
Rated on suresh985's review
Rated on sathya777's review
Commented on varsha369's review
Seems like a frustrated student has give a rview.
Rated on varsha369's review
Rated on Dinoj's review
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