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Member Since:Mar 09, 2007
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Education: Artificial Intelligence
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Swift 1.5 litre: 33 months and 78,000 kms on
Reviewed Suzuki Swift -UK
Nearly three years and almost 80, 000 kms later, I thought I’d write some more about the car. The ONLY two problems I had with the car were a punctured rear tRead more...
The 1.5 liter, 100 bhp model
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Swift
Hi all, I do understand that this is not the appropriate place to write my review; however, I really wish to share this with everyone - be it India or abroadRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on baruahdhruv's review
'The floor of the car seems to have fallen in love with the road always trying to kiss it'..... hahahahahaha.... great line!! i couldn't have put it better myself!
Commented on blackspawner's review
Guys, please, stop fighting for personal opinions... one man's meat is another man's poison. If a person doesn't like the SX4 or even the Accent, then that's his / her liking. I agree that slagging other people off on their purchase is not done but if we could stop it here only & respect other p Read More...
Sorry, ran out of space earlier.... I'll stop with the examples and will come straight to the point. Employ a technique... get the best out of any vehicle. Just my 2 cents.
Guys, I'd just like to add that any car can be driven, provided one knows how to drive. If a car has a 'fat @ss' or silly A-pillars, then use the mirrors properly & try to 'move about' to view things beyond your line of sight. If you want a fast car, then buy a fast car; 1.6 litres won't cut it Read More...
Commented on rishiratta2's review
This is absolutely terrible... I was about to suggest dragging these bast*rds to the courts but Sunder above already beat me to it :) The other thing I can suggest is to get in touch with the consumer rights body...they're bound to help you!
Commented on govind888's review
Hi Govind, An excellent review and a great way to word it as well! Impressive!
Rated on govind888's review
Commented on sumana.033's review
oh yes, this is a place to write comments on the posted review...not to blow your horn and indicate that you have a *thing* for this girl. You're acting as though she broke your heart and your're out on a revenge-trip & telling the whole world what you're doing to her & what she did to you. P Read More...
The Zen kicks iPods' rear-end any given time. (I might get carried away with another product in this review) I have the Creative Zen Vision M 60GB player - the screen is brighter than the iPod Video 80GB & it has a lot more functions than the iPod. For the price one pays for an iPod, one doesn't Read More...
Commented on sriraamk's review
good review & congratulations on your Black Swift! I'd love to get one but it's really hard to keep it clean :)
Commented on own review
hmm...the company should provide one too...that way it's all reliable atleast. anyhow, i was wondering...what does the keyless entry mean over there? i see people say that it's different than remote central locking...is this correct or is it that those people aren't sure of what they're talking abou Read More...
hey buddy! cheers for the comment! is the electronic self start the one where you push a button to start the car?
Commented on RahulSomani's review
an idea would be to go to a dealer & tell him that another dealer is offering you the same car with (whatever) accessories and you're out to see whether this one can beat the quote....or even match it. the dealers easily make 7-10% on the car, so it is very easy for them to throw the accessories Read More...
hi there, about the accessories, can you not bargain with the dealer that he can just put them in before you sign for the car? i know bargaining with the dealer & getting loads of accessories thrown in is quite common place in europe, but i'm not sure about the dealers in india.
Commented on itskunchumon's review
yeah, from the pics, the shape will most certainly suit a 3 door version, but i'm pretty sure they'll be able to manage a 5 door as well. swift sport is available everywhere except india...and europe only gets the 3 door version whereas elsewhere there's a 5 door version :( you can see my review Read More...
nah, not risky, but they'd be easier to park :) imagine a tight space where you can hardly get the door open (sideways) and to your benefit, you don't really need that much space!! terrific! Now, for the link, go to http://www.marutiswift.com/brochure.aspx and download the accessories brochure Read More...
Nah, I was just mentioning the doors....the other stuff is just a bit over to top. Yeah I know about DC...but the kits are already available and all you need to do is remove the fenders & add the special 'hinges' / 'hydraulic arms'.......put the fender back....all set. BUT it has to be perfect Read More...
This is absolutely true...it certainly has something to do with the looks that one can't get out of one's mind. Would you also be interested in getting 'Lambo' doors on your car? Check this: http://www.swiftowners.co.uk/ftopict-12.html I wish this kit (to modify the doors) was available Read More...
It's a bigger car, different shape & has a slightly bigger engine but it's no head turner as the Swift. Even though I'd have loved a 'lowered' SX4 and it would've looked great, in comparison to the Swift, it would've been 'just another car'.
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