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Member Since:Jun 06, 2016
200 MS Points
likes to make fnds and loves to keep frndships..... I M QUITE COOL CALM AND FRNDLY PERSON AND LOVES TO TRAVEL.......
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A really nice restaurant in this area...
Reviewed Kokkita - Hadapsar - Pune
Kokita is our regular hangout spot. Be that with family, friends or a date. This place is for everyone. We have visited this place sooo many times that even Read more...
Over Priced... Tasteless..
Reviewed Cafe Chokolade - Hadapsar - Pune
I happened to visit this outlet on a weekend. My wife loves chocolate and she insisted that we should try this place. Guy on the counter was least interestedRead more...
Good Acting... Poor screenplay
Reviewed Udta Punjab
It been a while I saw a movie on such a sensitive issue in our society. The way they presented it in the story was extraordinary, however, the screenplay was Read more...
Keep your brains out of this…
Reviewed Housefull 3
Well, there are so many points where one can criticize this movie. Most of the scenes are unrealistic, unreal and over-hyped. Songs are hilarious and over allRead more...
Nice Movie – One time watch…
Reviewed The Angry Birds
It was nice to relive those gaming moments for a while. First half of the movie talks only about how these birds got angry and why they got angry on pigs, howRead more...
Not so good … Not so bad...
Reviewed Indigo Airlines
I have traveled with Indigo airline couple of times. I would like to share my experience based on below parameters. Punctuality: On my 1st trip with them to Read more...
Good Bike.. but high on Maintainance
Reviewed Bajaj Discover 125 ST
I bought this bike 3 years back and have driven over 22, 000kms… Initially it came out to be a really nice bike with good mileage and confident driving… HoweRead more...
Strong Screen play but poor Story...
Reviewed Bajirao Mastani
I Belong to Pune, a city with lot of Historic importance in the history of Maharashtra and India. specially related to Sri Shivaji Maharaj and the famous MaraRead more...
Waste of Money !!!
Reviewed Country Club
Hello Folks, I had enrolled with Country Vacations few years back. they promised me a lot of fake benefits. I will try to list all of them below. 1 - They pRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on own review
Nsn11, if you have signed their contract the way I did... then sry bro.. there is no way we can get our money back... trust me... i tried approaching my lawyer for this... N he said you cant file a case here... even if you do... you will eventually loose it..
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Shaikh Adnan Sami (@shaikhadnansami4MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ravi Agarwal (@rksathish94MouthShut Verified Member)